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(Testament from Bendigo Pioneers)
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[[File:Red-Ribbon-flag-wiki.JPG|500px|thumb|right|''Diggers Flag of 1853,'' 2013, From [[Bendigo]] Monument in Rosalind Park.]]
[[File:Goldfields Petition cover.jpg|500px|thumb|right| Cover of Wickham's book on Goldfields Agitations]]
[[File:IMG_0286-wiki.jpg|1000px|thumb|right|''Red Ribbon Movement Monument in Rosalind Park, Bendigo [detail], 2013.'' Ballarat Heritage Services Picture Collection]]
[[File:Bendigo-Petition2.JPG|500px|thumb|right|''Bendigo Goldfields Petition,'' August 1853. State Library of Victoria (MS 12440)]]
[[File:GFs Pet 1853 4 PEG LEG-BENDIGO.jpg|500px|thumb|right| Signatures from PegLeg (Bendigo) on the 1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition]]
[[File:First page low res Bendigo Goldfields Petition SLV.jpg|500px|thumb|right| ''Bendigo Goldfields Petition, August 1853.'' State Library of Victoria (MS 12440)]]
[[File:Bendigo Petition p2.jpg|500px|thumb|right| ''Bendigo Goldfields Petition, August 1853, p.3.'' State Library of Victoria (MS 12440)]]
Once thought to be lost, the Bendigo Goldfields Petition was discovered by chance lying in a pile of papers on a rubbish tip. Some 13 metres in length and bound in green silk, it’s a milestone document in the state’s history.<ref>http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.</ref>
Once thought to be lost, the Bendigo Goldfields Petition was discovered by chance lying in a pile of papers on a rubbish tip. Some 13 metres in length and bound in green silk, it is an important document for Victoria.<ref>1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition. State Library of Victoria, Item No. MS 12440; http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.</ref>
The petition was signed by over 5000 diggers on the Victorian goldfields in mid-1853. At the time, the signatures represented about one in 12 diggers.<ref>http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.</ref>
The petition was signed by around 5000 diggers on the Victorian goldfields in mid-1853. At the time, the signatures represented about one in 12 diggers.<ref>1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition. State Library of Victoria, Item No. MS 12440; http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.</ref>
In June 1853 an anti-gold licence association was formed at Bendigo to give voice to the diggers' many grievances about their conditions. The diggers were angry about the mining licence fees imposed by the government and the system by which they were collected.<ref>http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.</ref>
In June 1853 an anti-gold licence association was formed at Bendigo to give voice to the diggers' many grievances about their conditions. The diggers were angry about the mining licence fees imposed by the government and the system by which they were collected.<ref>1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition. State Library of Victoria, Item No. MS 12440; http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.</ref>
The petition was signed by miners across the state’s major goldfields and was brought to Melbourne and presented to Lieutenant-Governor [[Charles La Trobe]] on 01 August 1853. Most of its demands, including the reduction in the licence fee, were rejected. Eventually the diggers' dissatisfaction erupted, culminating in the [[Eureka Stockade]] uprising at [[Ballarat]] on 3 December 1854.<ref>http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.</ref>
The petition was signed by miners across the state’s major goldfields and was brought to Melbourne and presented to Lieutenant-Governor [[Charles La Trobe]] on 1 August 1853. Most of its demands were rejected, including the reduction in the licence fee. Eventually the diggers' dissatisfaction erupted, culminating in the [[Eureka Stockade]] battle on the Eureka Lead at [[Ballarat]] on 3 December 1854.<ref>1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition. State Library of Victoria, Item No. MS 12440; http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.</ref>
Reportedly, two women signed the petition - [[Florence Foley]] and [[Sarah Williamson]].
The petition was brought to Melbourne and presented to Lieutenant-Governor [[Charles La Trobe]] on 01 August 1853. Most of its demands, including the reduction in the licence fee, were rejected. The diggers continued non-violent protest.<ref>https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/awa/20040511050243/http://www.statelibrary.vic.gov.au/slv/exhibitions/goldfields/petition/p_hist.htm, accessed 07 February 2023.</ref>
Dr John Chapman, a Melbourne collector, purchased the petition from its discoverer and presented it to the State Library of Victoria in 1988. Its discovery is particularly valuable for historians and genealogists investigating the history of social and political events during the gold rushes in Victoria.<ref>1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition. State Library of Victoria, Item No. MS 12440; http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.</ref>
==The Wording of the Petition==
The words used in the Petition make it clear that the diggers, storekeepers and others on the goldfields are loyal and law abiding citizens.
It appears abundantly clear that the problem lies with the high licences and the manner in which they are issued and collected on the goldfields.
This is an eloquently written document containing a plea for equality and justice.
Dr John Chapman, a Melbourne collector, purchased the petition from its discoverer and presented it to the State Library of Victoria in 1988. Its discovery is particularly valuable for historians and genealogists investigating the history of social and political events during the gold rushes in Victoria.<ref>http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.</ref>
== Alphabetical Listings ==
[[1853 Petition Signatures - A]]
::''To His Excellency Charles Joseph LaTrobe''
[[1853 Petition Signatures - B]]
::''Esquire Lieutenant Governor of the Colony of Victoria etc''
::''The Humble Petition of the Undersigned Gold Diggers and other residents on the GoldFields of the Colony''
[[1853 Petition Signatures - C]]
::'''That''' these Petitioners are the Loyal and Devoted Subjects of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, the Sovereign Ruler of This Colony and of
::'''That''' in the present impoverished condition of the Gold Fields the impost of Thirty Shillings a Month is more than Your Petitioners can pay as the fruit of their labor at the Mines scarcely affords to a large proportion of the Gold Miners the common necessaries of life.
::'''That''' a consequence of the few Officials appointed to issue Licenses the Diggers Storekeepers and other residents lose much time at each Monthly issue on procuring these licenses.
[[1853 Petition Signatures - D]]
::'''That''' the laborious occupation of Gold digging and the privation attendant on a residence in the Gold fields entail much sickness and its consequent expenses from so doing.
::'''That''' newly arrived Diggers must lose much time and money before they become acquainted with the process of Gold Mining.
[[1853 Petition Signatures - E]]
::'''That''' in consequence of Armed Men (many of whom are notoriously bad in characteriser) being employed to inform the impost of Thirty Shillings a Month there is much ill feeling engendered amongst the Diggers against the Government.
::'''That''' in consequence of the non-possession by some of the Miners of a Gold Digger License some of the Commissioners appointed to administer the Law on the Gold Fields have on various occasions Chained non-possessors to Trees and Condemned them to hard labor on the Public Roads of the Colony - A proceeding Your Petitioners maintain to be contrary to the spirit of the British Law which does not recognize the principle of the Subject being a Criminal because he is indebted to the State.
[[1853 Petition Signatures - F]]
::'''That''' the impost of Thirty Shillings a Month is unjust because the successful and unsuccessful Digger are assessed in the same ratio.
::For these reasons and others which could be enumerated Your Petitioners pray Your Excellency to Grant the following Petition
[[1853 Petition Signatures - G]]
:::'''First'''. To direct that the Licence Fee be reduced to Ten Shillings a Month
:::'''Secondly'''. To direct that Monthly or Quarterly Licenses be issued at the option of the Applicants
[[1853 Petition Signatures - H]]
:::'''Thirdly'''. To direct that new arrivals or invalids be allowed on registering their names at the Commissioners Office fifteen clear days residence on the Gold Fields before the License be enforced
:::'''Fourthly'''. To afford greater facility to Diggers and others resident on the Gold Fields who wish to engage in Agricultural Pursuits for investing their earnings in small allotments of land
[[1853 Petition Signatures - I]]
:::'''Fifthly'''. To direct that the Penalty of Five Pounds for non-possession of License be reduced to One Pound
:::'''Sixthly'''. To direct that (as the Diggers and other residents on the Gold Fields of the Colony have uniformly developed a love of law and order) the sending of an Armed Force to enforce the License Tax be discontinued.
[[1853 Petition Signatures - J]]
::Your Petitioners would respectfully submit to Your Excellency's consideration in favour of the reduction of the License Fee that many Diggers and other residents on the Gold-fields who are debarred from taking a License under the present System would if the Tax were reduced to Ten Shillings a Month cheerfully comply with the Law so that the License Fund instead of being diminished would be increased.
::Your Petitioners would also remind your Excellency that a Petition is the only mode by which they can submit their wants to your Excellency's consideration as although they contribute more to the Exchequer that half the Revenue of the Colony they are the largest class of Her Majesty's Subjects in the Colony unrepresented.
[[1853 Petition Signatures - K]]
::And your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray etc.
[[1853 Petition Signatures - L]]
==Testament from Bendigo Pioneers==
John Paton was at the Monster Meeting. His name does not appear on the list of signatures, but there is another name Andrew Patton, perhaps a brother or relative.
[[1853 Petition Signatures - M]]
Mr. John Paton, a retired Post-office official, gave evidence of such an interesting character that it might be better to repeat his own words. “I was one of the earliest gold diggers in the colony. I worked on Anderson’s Creek before the Ballarat diggings, and I was mining to the end of 1858. In October, 1851, I was at work on Forest Creek. I may mention, in 1849 I went up with Mr. Fenton with his first flock of sheep to Bendigo. I can satisfy you about the name of Bendigo; in 1849 I inquired from some of the old inhabitants about it, and they said it was known as Bendigo. In 1849 I travelled over the run, and when they came in October, 1851, I was on Forest Creek. A day or two afterwards I was in conversation with Murphy, and Mr. Byass came over and informed us that they had found gold on the Bendigo Creek. After this lapse of time I cannot be positive as to dates, but I am positive I was working there, Forest Creek, in October, 1S51, and this was either the end of October or the beginning of November.
When I got to Bendigo, I think I saw Stewart Gibson there and some of the station hands. I remember seeing Mrs. Kennedy, and I have not seen her since that time till now. I knew the shepherd and hut-keeper; the shepherd’s name was James Graham, and old hand from Tasmania, an old man who took charge of the flock in the winter of 1849. He was in the employment of Mr. Fenton up to the time of finding the gold, and he was a short Scotchman. The hut-keeper was a Chris. Asquith. I knew the children; two of the daughters were married; one of Asquith’s daughters married a man named Slocombe; he was a wheelwright; he married one of the daughters of the hut keeper. I have not seen Slocombe for over 30 years — I have been in the public service over 30 years. I got into conversation, and camped there that night. The spot where they were working was in the bed of the creek. There was a bar running across the creek. The position was the site of the present Golden-square. There was no room for me; there were several working about, and there was no more room to put in a claim. I worked on my claim on the left bank of the creek. I washed a bit of dirt on the opposite side. I borrowed a spade and got gold in the grass, and marked out a claim. I believe it was the first claim marked out — the first payable claim. My mates came over the second day, and after them came a number of other miners who followed them. I believe, in consequence of Byass’ information, that caused the first rush after our bullock dray from Barker’s and Forest Creek.
[[1853 Petition Signatures - N]]
I may mention, to show the payable nature of my claim, that there was a married couple came on the field; they had a horse and dray; they stated they had left the station and were hard up. I felt sorry for the woman, and said to my mates, ‘Suppose we give them something,’ and we gave them a load of earth from the surface, and they washed it, and I know they got out of that 16 oz. of gold, amongst which was a 6 oz. nugget in the shape of a crescent; that was in November. We took out that claim, afterwards, 30 lbs. weight of gold from the reef; we got it from the grass and down to the reef — it was a continuation of the reef, not more than about a foot deep. We took up the first cradle that was worked on Bendigo Creek.
I was present at the great meeting — I was there when the Commissioner put up his first camp, and also there when the black trooper found the gold in Golden Gully. I remember distinctly going up in November, and we went down with our bullock dray, and arrived in Melbourne on Thursday, the 18th of December, 1851. We were on the road nearly a week; and we sold the gold to Mr. Benjamin, the father of the present Sir Benjamin Benjamin. We first took it to Heap and Grice, in Flinders-lane; they offered £2 15s. an ounce for it; we declined, and we got £2 16s. an ounce from Mr. Benjamin. Asquith the hut-keeper, and Graham the shepherd, claimed to have found the gold. As to the name, my own impression was that it was a corruption of ‘bandicoot;’ but the old hands said it was called after some old pugilist.”<ref>''The Bendigo Advertiser'', 28 October 1893, transcribed by Dorothy Wickham, May 2024.</ref>
[[1853 Petition Signatures - O]]
== Probably Signed in or around Ballarat ==
[[Jesse Eldridge]] - [[John Eldridge]] - [[Moses Eldridge]] - [[Thomas Clegg]] - [[Alfred Lester]] - [[William Yuille]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - P]]
== Probably Signed in or around Bendigo ==
[[Joseph Abbott]] - [[George Aspinall]] - [[Robert Benson]] - [[James Black (1)]] - [[Annesly Boyde]] - [[Michael Breen]] - [[Edward Browne]] - [[George Gaull]] -[[George Graham]] - [[Denis Fitzgerald]] - [[John Andrew Herdegen]] - [[W.E. Hill]] - [[Henry Holyoake]] - [[William Jameson]] - [[D.G. Jones]] - [[Frederick Ladbury]] - [[Decimus Lamb]] - [[Richard John Mack]] - [[John Maddern]] - [[Daniel Merington]] - [[Angel Meyers]] - [[James Moran]] - [[James Plunkett]] - [[John Pratt]] - [[Thomas Pritchard]] - [[Timothy Quinn]] - [[A. Robinson]] - [[John Shinnock]] - [[William Snell]] - [[Thomas Tyley]] - [[Thomas Underdown]] - [[James Egan Wall]]
== Probably Signed in or Around Castlemaine ==
[[1853 Petition Signatures - Q]]
[[Edward Adams]] - [[George Braybook]] - [[Emil Pohl]], Victoria Hotel - [[Charles Thacker]] - [[Nanken Thornhill]] - [[John R. Webb]]
==Signed in Eaglehawk Gully (Bendigo)==
[[W.E. Hill]] - [[Michael Breen]] - [[John Mathieson]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - R]]
==Signed in Myer's Flat (Bendigo)==
[[Denis Fitzgerald]] - [[John Shinnock]] - [[Denis Fitzgerald]] - [[James Plunkett]]
== Probably Signed in or associated with The Ovens ==
[[1853 Petition Signatures - S]]
[[David Ducat]] - [[John Owens]]
== Signed in Peg Leg (Bendigo) ==
[[Edward Beach]] - [[John Brown]] - [[E. Butler]] - [[James Calder]] - [[Ben Cole]] - [[W. Sansome Fisher]] - [[John Gruph]] - [[Fredrick Hamilton]] - [[John Humphreys]] - [[David Lang]] - [[Alexander Lawson]] - [[Richard Loglen]] - [[John Martin]] - [[Thomas Renwick]] - [[A. Robinson]] - [[William B. Roebuck]] - [[W.E. Sasse]] - [[William Snell]] - [[Aaron Wheeler]] - [[George B. Williams]] - [[W.C. Williams]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - T]]
== Signed in Sailor's Gully (Bendigo) ==
[[Annesly Boyde]] - [[George Gachon]] - [[George Graham]] - [[James Horan]] - [[James Moran]] - [[John Pratt]]  -
==Signed View Point (Bendigo)==
[[John Edhouse]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - U]]
== Alphabetical Listings ==
[[1853 Petition Signatures - V]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - A]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - W]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - B]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - X]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - C]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - Y]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - D]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - Z]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - E]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - F]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - G]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - H]]
Alexander ma---
William ma---
Joseph macalister
James c. Macarthur
John macauley
Robert maccarthy
John macclarence
Di macdonald
Dr. Macdonald
John macdonald
John macdonald
John macdonald digger
William macdonald digger mates
John macdougall
T. G. Macenery
James macenery
G. Macintosh
G. Macintosh
George macintosh
- mack digger
- mack surgeon
Michael mack
Stephen mack
Alexander mackay
Alexander mackdonald digger
Alfred mackeith or markaith
James mackenth
David mackenzie
David mackey
Michael macknamara
Michael macknamara
E. Macpaveten
Walter macqueen
Walter macqueen
Walter macqueen digger
N. W. B. Macrossan
Mich h. Madden
Robert madden
George madder
John maddern
Will maddoms
Thomas maden
Thomas maden
Robert maetab
I or j. D. Maetens
John mag---
W. Maggs
James magin
James magin---
Thomas maguire
William mahaley
Michal maher gold digger
Thomas maherr
Michl. Mahon digger
Matthew mail
Andrew mailer
John mailer
George thomas main
Joseph main
Joseph main
Alexander main
Edward maine
James b. Mainwaring
James b. Mainwaring
David mair
Jas. Maitland
John maitland
Charles malby
Charles malby
- malcolm
John m. Malcorn
Henry mallatt
Dennis malloney digger
James mally
Martin maloney
Wm. Malony or falony
W. J. Malpas
James malthouse digger
John manery
I. Manley
William mann
William mann
Hy. Manning
John mannix
John mannix
John mannix
Jaames mantell
H. W. Manuell
Thom map
Peter mar or mars or marr
Hearde march
Mathew march
Thomas march or horch
A. E. Marius
Dane. Marley
John m. Marlin
P. Marlone
Torrens marney
Or harris marnis h. Or w.
Harriot marriot
Thomas marsh
Henry marsh
W. E. Marsh
Charles marshal
Jho marshall
Tho. Marshall
David marshall storekeeper
George marshall
Jno. Marshall
John marshall
John park marshall
Richard marshall
Tho. Marshall
William marshall gold digger
- marsland digger
W. Marslin
[[Richard Martell]]
B. Marten
Frederick marten
John marter or martez
H. Martin
B. Martin
B. Martin
Edwd. Martin
George martin
George martin
H. Martin
Henry martin
Henry g. Or s. Martin
J. A. Martin
James martin
James martin
John martin
John martin
John martin
John martin
John martin
John martin
John martin
John martin
John martin
Louis martin
Paul martin
Richard martin
Thompson martin
Thos a.r.u. martin
William martin
H. Martin or martins
S. Martugs
Hald. C. Mason
Edward mason
George mason digger
Robert mason
Robt. Mason
William mason
William mason
Richard masson
H. W. Masters
Henry b. Masters charcoal coal contractor
Hugh masters digger
Thos. Masters
Charles masterson
James masterton
James masterton
George mateer digger
T. Mater
John mates
Collins mather digger
George mather
Alexn. Mathers
Donald matheson
A. Mathewson
A. Mathewson
James mathie
James mathie
John mathieson
Stephen mattews
John matthew
G. W. Matthews
John matthews
William matthews
Henry matz blacksmith
Thomas maudy or mandy digger
J. Maunder
Benjamin mawson no occ. Given
Thos. Maxene digger
Thomas maxwell licensed digger
John may
John may
Samuel may
T. A. I. Or j. May
Henry mayer gold digger
William mayer or magee
Henry f. Mayers digger
Alfred maynard
Alfred maynard
Henry mayor
Samuel mays
Robt. Mcalister
Patk. Mcardle
Patk. Mcardle no occ. Given
James mcarthur
Patrick mcauber
Donald mcauley
John mcawith
Peter mcbarcoe
John mcbride
James mccallam
James mccallam
Robert d. Mccallum
James mccarron
P. Mccarthy
P. Mccarthy
P. S. Mccarty
Patrick mccarty
John mccelleand
William mccharles
John mcclare
John mccliver
A. Mccluny
Thomas mcconnell
Thomas mcconnell
Thomas mccormack
F. -. Mccormick
Carlebach j. Mccormick
Carleback i. Mccormick
James mccormick
James mccormick
Robert mccormick
Robert mccormick
William mccormick
Dennis mccourt
George mccoy
Andw. Mccrindle
Barn mccu
M. G. Mccullough
Michael mcdermett
Alexander mcdonald
Angus mcdonald
Geo. Mcdonald
George mcdonald
George mcdonald
J. Mcdonald
James mcdonald
James mcdonald digger
John mcdonald
P. W. Mcdonald
Kenneth mcdonald
Edward mcdonneld
Thomas mcdonnell
Rich mcdonnell digger
Wm. Mcdonnell digger
Arch mcdougal
Colin mcdougall
Hugh mcdowell
Hugh mcdowell
Edward mcelroy
W. J. Mcewan
James mcewen
William mcewen
William mcewen
William mcewen surgeon
John mcfadyean
Angus mcfadyen
Angus mcfadyen
John mcfadyen
John mcfarlan
Robert mcfarland
Thomas mcfarland
A. M. Mcfarlin
Daniel mcfdlgplin
John mcganett
Andrew mcgavin
Archibald mcgee
Hugh mcgennop digger
Thomas mcginnis storekeeper
Robert mcgonagal
Robert mcgonagal
Benjamin mcgr---
David mcgrady digger
Hugh mcgrag
Hugh mcgrath digger
Thos mcgrath
Andrew mcgregor
Peter mcgregor
Peter mcgregor
J. Mcguines storekeeper
Felix mcguire
Felix mcguire
Pat mcgurry
William mchane
P. Mcinnering
Alex mcintosh
John mcintosh
Neil mcintyre
Neil mcintyre
Edward mcivett
James mcjames
Robert mck---
Alex. Mckahel
Donald mckay
L. Or r. Mckay
Alexander mckay
John mckeen or mcreen
Donald mckenzie
Donald mckenzie
Donald mckenzie
James mckenzie
John mckenzie
Neil mckenzie
John mckenzie
Chas. Mckevar
Angus mckinnon
Hugh mckinstery
Allan mclachlan
Allan mclachlan
Hugh mclachlan
Hugh mclachlan
James b. Mclane
N. Mclean
John mclean
M. W. Mclean
M. W. Mclean
Roderck mclean
William mclean
G. Mclean or mcleaw digger
James mcleish
John mcleish digger
Andw. Mclellan
Archd. Mclellan
Hugh mclelland butcher
Hugh mclelland do.
Donald a. Mclennan digger
Donald mclennan
Norman mcleod
William f. Mclosky
John mclure
Daniel mcmahon
John mcmahon surgeon
Michl. Mcmahon
Michl. Mcmahon
Duncan mcmillan
Duncan mcmillan
John mcmillan
James mcmullin
W. Mcnairn
Denis mcnamara
Michael mcnamara
Thos. Mcnamara
Thom. Or thos. Mcnamara or mcnamare
Alex mcnaughton
James mcnaughton gold digger
A. Mcneish
Alexander mcnelbar or mcmillan digger
Alexander mcniel
Robt mcnill
Donald mcpherson
George mcpherson
John mcpherson digger
Augus mcpiel
Angus mcpiell or mcpieel digger
Samuel mcqueenil
Norman mcrae
Thomas mcsorley
Thomas mctaggart
Henry mcvane
Daniel mcvary
Rob mcwilliam
Thos. Meacham
William meader digger
Martin meaney
Philip measam gold digger
William meath
James meath
John mebbatt
Peter j. Medley or smedley
Henry medway
Henry medway
Ths. Meeret
Angel megus
John melliey or nulliey digger
George mellor
Thos. Mellor
Alexr. Melville
Geo. S. Melville
Ricardo memrabato
Hugh menus
Archd menzies
James mercer
John mercer
Robt. Mercer
John mercer
John merchant
John meredith
John h. Meredith
George meret
D. J. A. Merington
- merorpd
Edward merredith
Brittam merrell gold digger
Richard merrett
Robt. Merrett
Guilam merson
- mertels
Patrick merten
William merton store keeper
William merton
Taboort merynord
Henry messin
John meughian no occ. Given
Georg meunhan
Angel meyer
Francis meyer
Francis meyer
William meyer
William meyer
William meyer
John meze
John meze
Patrick miaa
Alexr. Miawatt
Jeremiah micecef
David michael
George e. Michell
George e. Michell
Arthur h. Middleton store keeper
George middleton
George middleton
James middleton
James middleton digger
John middleton
Johnson middleton
Johnson middleton
Joseph middleton
Joseph middleton
Thomas middleton
William middleton licensed digger
William middleton gold digger
Charles midwood
Francis mien or uren or nun digger
- l. Migarge
Mark miggel digger
George miles
George miles
Henry g. Miles
G. Mill -
Henry mill sldy digger
G. Millan or millar digger
James millane
Gavin millar
Thos. Millard
William mille
William mille
John milleir or miller
A. B. Miller storekeeper
Alex miller
Alexander miller
Christian miller gold miner
Dan miller
G. Miller no occ. Given
George miller
George miller digger
George miller no occ. Given
Hugh miller digger
J. Miller
James miller
James miller
John miller
Peter miller
Robert clarke miller
Thomas miller digger
William miller
William miller
William miller
G. Miller
James miller no.
James miller no occ. Given
Charles millieny
John wm. Mills
David mills digger
John mills
Thomas mills
William mills digger
George millson digger
A. Jnr milne
William milne
George milten
Daniel minahan
Michl. Minahan
Michl. Minahan
Gerdi minanlooioulf
Thomas miners
James minnie
John miper gold digger
R. Mirow
C. Mitchel
James mitchel
William mitchel
Alexander mitchell s.o.
Alexr mitchell
David mitchell
George mitchell digger
Henry mitchell carrier
Hugh mitchell -
James temple mitchell
John mitchell
John l. Mitchell
Joseph mitchell
Lauchland mitchell digger
R. Mitchell
Thomas mitchell
W. Mitchell
James mitchelson
James mitchelson
Edmund mitson
Henrey mitton
George moddleton
William moett
William moett
Saml. Moffatt no occ. Given
Mosleyn moilen gold digger
James moilin or morlin
William molin
A. W. Möller
J. Mollineane
Charles mollis
Hugh molloy
Hugh molloy
Patk. Mona
Henry monday
George monk
James monk
W. Monk
Alfred monkhouse gold digger
James monks storekeeper
John monks
James monro or manre
John montgomery
John montgomery
A. Montieth
Wm. Montrose digger
D. Moodie
D. Moodir or moodie
Benjamin moody
Matthew mooggen
S. N. Moon storekeeper
John h. Moon
Patrick mooney
- moore
Benjamin (junior) moore
Benjm moore
G. Moore
G. Moore
G. Moore
John moore
John moore
Robert moore
S. K. Moore
Saml. W. Moore
W moore
William moore
William moore
Wm. Hy. Moore
Wm. Hy. Moore
Edward moore
John moran digger
Henry moran
Or moreson moreson john
M. I. J. Morgan
W. B. Morgan
Frederick morgan gold digger
M. J. Morgan
Robert morgan
Robert morgan
Robt. Morgan
Thomas morgan
William morgan
William morgan
William morgan
William morgan gold digger
William h. Morgan
John morissay
Charles morleorre
- morlke
George morntery
James morony
Bernard morris
Charles s. Morris
Charles s. Morris
Henry morris
Henry morris
John d. Morris
John b. Morris digger
Joseph bernard morris
Lewis morris
Robt. S. Morris digger
Wm. Morris
Wm. B. Morris
John morrisen
Michael morrisen digger
Charles morrison
Charles morrison
Francis morrison
James morrison
James morrison
Joseph morrison
Michael morrison digger
Hugh morrow
Edward morton
J. C. Morton
Howard morton
Morton co.
Storekeepers bendigo mos marks & co.
Henry moscrop digger
Eben moses digger
G. Moss digger
G. Albert moulder
Gilbert moulder
John moum -
John mowat
William mowat
William moxey
James moyes
James moylan
James moylan
Stephen moyle
William moyle or mayle or nagle
Delegate mr. Thompson
H. Muchall
Geo. Augustus muehler storekeeper
[[Andrew Muir]], digger
[[B. Muir ]]
[[George Muir]],shoemaker
[[James Muir]]
[[O.J.B. Muir]]
Cornelius mulcahy
Th. Muller
Wilhelm muller
Wilhelm muller
- muller
H. O. Müller
Johann müller digger
James mulleton
Edwd. Mullett digger
Edw. Mullett digger
Thomas mullicott
George mulrene or mulane
T. Munay
Thomas munay digger
Joseph munden
David mundy
David mundy
John mundy
John mundy
J. Muntin
William munyard
Edwd. Muracase
Hy. Murachybt
Kernard murate
- muray digger
Fredke murch
Alexr. Murchie
G. Murdoch auctioneer
John murdoch
James murnan or murnare
Charles murphy
Charles murphy
Charles murphy
Charles murphy
Edward murphy
James murphy digger
Jeremiah murphy
John murphy
John murphy
Joseph murphy
Martin murphy
Patrick murphy
Patt. Murphy
Richard murphy
Timothy murphy
Wm. Murphy
Wm. Murphy
Jas. Murphy -
Alexr murray
Henry murray miner
Daniel murray
David murray
David murray
Patrick murray
W. Murray
William murray
John murray
Samid murt storekeeper
J. C. Musgrave
J. Musker
Thomas mussell
Edward musselwhite
Henry myers
Henry myers
R. Myers
[[1853 Petition Signatures - I]]
William nab
Georg (sic) nagel
Joshua naller
George nankivell
John nanlan
Thomas nathanes
Henry naybe
Thomas naylor
John nealellenie
L. Neicke
William neilham
Charles neill
J. W. Neione
A. Ono. Neish
J. Nellson
James nelson
John nelson
John nelson
M. M. Nelson
Gustav nepbriner or nephiver
Alexandre nerves
J. Yr. Neuttlebury
Henry p. Neuwman
Chas. Nevick
Martin neville
Wm. Neville
O. J. Nevin
Chas nevins
J. Newbery
Henry newbiggera
Joseph ed. Newborough
W. Newell
John newland
Paul newling
James newman
James newman
- newmann
Henry newson digger
O. J. Newton
Raleigh newton
Ralugh newton
Jhn (sic) newton
Lleww newton
Michael newton
Thos. K. Newton
Thos. K. Newton
- newton
Edward nich---
Charles nicholas
Chas nicholas
Thomas nicholas
Theophius nichole or nicholes
Fredrick nicholls
Henry nicholls
Martin nicholls
R. S. Nicholls
William Parry Nicholls
Abraham w. Nichols
C. H. Nicholson
Henry Nicholson
Jno. M. Nicholson
Peter nicholson
Richard nicholson
Richard nicholson digger
Robert nicholson
Jess nicholson
John niclos
Ed. Nicol
John nicol
William nicol
Wm. Nicol
W. Nicolson
John nieper or nuper
Michiel night
[[John Nightingale]]
Alfred nightly gold digger
James nillqust
John ninnan butcher
Nippe or pippe
Mitchell nisbet
A. Nisbett
Edwd. Niulency digger
William nixon digger
A. R. Noble
Thos. Noblie do
Chas. Noblies
Patrick c. Nolan
Patrick c. Nolan
John j. Nooke
Patrick noon
John noonan
Joseph norcliffe
Joseph norcliffe
Michael noreen eaglehawk gully
Henry norman
William norman digger
John norrey
Thos. Norris
Cornelius norris
Wm m.d. norris
John norris or harris digger
John norrisy
James north
Joseph north
John c. Or i. Northcote
John c. Northcote
A. Northcott licensed digger
E. Northcott licensed digger
John northcott boot & shoe maker
Joseph northey
Joseph northey
Peter norton
Peter norton
Francis nott
Abraham notts
Thomas nugent digger
- numeyer
John nylands digger
[[1853 Petition Signatures - J]]
J. O'brien
James o'brien
James o'brien
John m. D. O'brien
John m. D. O'brien
John m.d. o'brien
Morgan o'brien
James o'brien
Patrick o'conner or o'connor
Charles o'connor digger
Patrick o'connor
Owen o'donnel
Owen o'donnel
Geo. O'donnell
John o'donnell
Phelim o'donoghue
Thos. O'driscoll
Thomas o'hair
Charles o'hara
Joseph o'hara
Roger o'hara or mara
Alfred o'hare or chare
W. O'hare or clare
James o'harris h.
Patrick o'henessy
Denis o'leary
James o'leary
Patrick o'leary
Patrick o'leary
Thomas o'leary
Patrick o'leesy or o'leary
Patrick o'loughlin
M. O'maerioh
Daniel o'mara -
John o'mara -
M. O'meara
W. O'meara
Michae o'nael
Henry o'neill
Henry o'neill digger
Henry o'neill digger
Patrick o'neill
Patrick o'neill
Morgan o'neill
Maurice o'neill
St. Dhus o'scroft digger
John o'shannessey digger
Patrick o'sullivan
John o'thomas
Or tookin o'tookey john
E. F. O'tool
J. H. O'toole
John oates
Philip oates
John oats
John oats
James ogg
George ogi---
Colin ogilvie
Colin ogilvie
James ogilvie
James ogilvie
Fredk. Ogle
Fr. Ohlenxart
G. Ohwell
Wm. Oldfield digger
Alf. Olive storekeeper
Alf. Olive or hive storekeeper
A. R. Oliver
Alex oliver
James oliver or olvere
Leopold oppenhimer storekeeper
Charles orchard digger
Thos. Hy. Ord
Wm. Ord
(sic) george e. Oreilly
- orelli
Thomas organ
F. M. Orme
Alexr. Ormiston
James orr
Charles osborne
James osborne
James osborne
G. Osgood
Thomas osmen
H. C. Oswald digger
Robert Ottery
William ounce
Morgan owen
William owen
Richd. Owens
Charles Oxborough
William oxford
[[1853 Petition Signatures - K]]
Thomas pabloo
Thos. Padenny
Eld. Or edw. Page
Geo. Page
H. H. Page
James page digger
Richard page
Robert joseph page
- page
William d. Page
- pagenhurst
Richd paiack
W. Pain
- paine
P. C. Palan no occ. Given
Frederick palk
Eduard palkenhagen
John palker
James pallen or pellen or pillen
M. F. Palmatur
J. Palmer
Frank palmer
H. J. Palmer no occ. Given
J. Palmer
James palmer
Jno. Palmer
Joseph s. Palmer
Wm. Pan
Wm. Paneang digger
William panham g. Digger
Edmund panne digger
James pannell
Henry pape
Charles parish
Geo. M. Park digger
Robert park
Robert park
Thos. Park or peak
Ellis parker
James parker
M. Parker
M. Parker
Thomas parker
William b. Parker
J. S. Parker
John thos. Parkhouse
Robert parkhouse
Amos parkin
Thomas parkin
William parkin
F. W. Parkins
T. W. Parkins
Henry parkinson
Thomas parkney digger
Petu or peter parrott
George parry
John parry
Saml p. Parry
F. Parsons
Henry parsons
John parsons
Robt. Parston
Thomas parter or porter do.
P. Parvity digger
P. G. Pascal
John pascoe
Wm. Paterson
M. J. W. Patrick
James patrick
M. Jas. Patrick
G. Robert patterson
Peter patterson
Peter patterson
W. Pattie
Andrew pattingill
Andrew patton digger
T or y. Paul
Saml. Paull
Thomas paull
Erasmus paull
Erasmus paull or faull
James h. Pauly
John pauslett
- pavey digger
George pawcett
George payne
James payne
Chas. Payyett digger
Benjamin pea or tea
William peace
William peacock
Wm. Peaistow
Geo. Peak -
Percy peal
Perry peal
N-- on pean digger
Daniel pearce
Henry pearce
John pearce
William pearce
William pearce
Gorge pearlar
Alexander pearson
Robt. Pearson
Wm. Ed. Pearson
Wm. H. Pearson digger
- pearth miner
Chas. Peat
Chas. Peat
J. G. Peat
Wm. Peck digger
Geo. Peck do.
George pedell
Joseph peet
J. F. Peet
John peihoela
Charles peirce
David van pelt
Robt. Pelwarth no occ. Given
N. Penca
T. Pender
Absalem penhall digger
David penhall butcher
Rob penking
K. Penleny no occ. Given
William penrose
Andw. Penwick
John penwick
David per---
Ac. H. Perkins
N. H. Perkins
Charles perkins
John perks
Charles perrett
Isaac perry
John perry
John perry
Thos. Perry
Thos. Perry
William perry
Henry perrymen
William pete digger
Matthew peters
William peters
James peters
Matthew peters
Martin petersen
Chas. Peterson gold digger
Thomas peterson
Henry pethman
Chas. Petrie
Chas. Petrie
Robert petrie
Robert petrie
John petrie digger
E. Petrusichs
John pewdir or pender
G. Pewee
George peymany
Jas. Phatlson
[[Michael Phelan]], miner
J. Phellips
J. Phellips
J. Phellips or phillips
Wm. Phibs
J. Philips
Henry J. Phillip digger
D. S. Phillips
Edward phillips
M. Phillips
Wiljam phillips
Wm. Phillips digger
Wm. Phillips digger
Chs. Philpots
William philpps
- phils
William phin
William d. Phips digger
Andrew pick--
R. V. Pickles
John harrison pickrell
James pidde
Pider piderson gold digger
Robt. Piele digger
Taremia pierden or purden
Jas. J. Piggot
James pike
He. Pike
P. H. L. Pilger
Henry pilkington
Robt. Pilling digger
George pims gold miner
Robt. H. Pims gold miner
Will pims gold miner
Joseph pincin
Robt. Pinklater
M. R. Pinton
M. R. Pinton
W. W. Piny
S. B. Piper
Andrew pirkins
J. H. Pirns or prout
John pitchards
Henry pitcher
James pitey or piter
Henry pithouse
T. Pitman
W. Pitman
William pitt
Louis plane
George plant digger
Henry t. Plant -
William pleckham
Gm. Plein
C. Plerc or plere
Hugh plinn
Joseph plummer
James plunkett gold digger myers flat
Charles pmith or smith
William poans
Geo pogmore
J. S. Poitu
F polendic
F. Polendic
Thomas poles
Samuel polkinghorn
Benjn. Poll digger
E. A. Pollard
James pollard
James pollard
William pollard
G. Pollingtine
Chas d. Pollock
I. J. Pollock
Thomas pollock
John polson
T. Polson
Robt. Polwarth
Edward ponton
James squires poognarrd
John pope
Walter pope
Henry pope or pape
James popittler
E. Port
John port
H. Porter
Isaac porter
Charles porter
Robert porter
Anthony w. Portgate
William posford
Abram postlethwai---
Thomas potes or poles
Clark potter
George potter storekeeper
Hn. A. Potter
William potter digger
Fred. Powell
E. Poyt---
John pranor digger
Wm. Pratt
J. Prisbard
Joseph prout
William provv
James pucie or gucie
Johen pucklyn
Henry puger digger
Henry pulling
Edwin purchis
Philip puryer
Thos. Pymons digger
Tamse p. Pyn
[[1853 Petition Signatures - L]]
John w. Quain
John quale
Benedict quick
Edwd. Quigley
Edwd. Jnr. Quigley
James quigley
Jas. Jnr. Quigley
John quigley
Wm. Quigley
John quin gold miner
Mark quin
Patrick j. Quin
- quince
Henry quine
Mortimer quinn
Timothy quinn
Timothy quinn
William quinn
William quinn
James quinton
James quinton
D. Quirk
D. Quirk
John quirk
John quirk
[[1853 Petition Signatures - M]]
William rabbich
William rabbich
John rablin
Wm. Rablin
James radcliffe
James radcliffe
George radford gold digger
James rae
H. Rahillar or rahiltar
David railly
George railton
John rainbone or rainbow
John rainbow
Robt. Rainbow
Patrick raleigh digger
J. H. Ralletty
Andrew ralph
Josp. Ramsay
Ralph ramsay
Ralph ramsay storekeeper
William ramsay
Charles randle
P. Randlett
Thomas rankin
William rankin
William rankin digger
William samuel raten
James ray
James ray
William ray licensed digger
John rayall or royall
Charles raymond or raymend
J. Raynbird
R. Raynbird
William rea
James ken read
John reading
John ready
James reardon
Charles reasan
Joseph rechrd or rochrd
Baird reddan gold digger
George redfern
William redfern
James m.d. reed
John reed
Joseph reed
Joseph reed
Richard reed
Thomas reed digger
William reed
Carl reeder
Patt reedy
Patt this is different handwriting from same name above reedy
John rees
Thomas rees
John rees or kees
Charles reese
P. Reeve
Thomas reeves
Thomas reeves
William reeves
William reeves
David regan
David regan
John rehof
H. Reichmidliber
Alexander reid
George reid digger
James reid
James reid
James reid
John reid
John reid
John reid
Richd. Reid
Dan reid digger
John reiley
Bn. Reilly digger
James reilly licensed digger
B. Reilly
George rendall
Michael rennay
Joseph rennecf
Thomas rennick peg leg digger
Thomas rennick
Fred. Renoir
Fred. Renou
Robert renton
Robert renton
Samuel reve
W. Revell gold miner
William reves
Joseph reye---
Charles j. Reynell
John reynolds
George rhind digger
Edwd. Rhodes
A. K. Rich
L. Rich
Thomas rich
A. Rich
F. Richard
Benjamin richards
Benjamin richards
Charles p. Richards gold digger
Chas. Richards
Edwin richards
Geo. Richards
James richards
James richards
John richards
John richards
John richards digger
Joseph richards
Joseph richards
Joseph richards
Joseph richards digger
Joseph richards digger
M. M. Richards digger
Richard richards
Robt. Richards licensed digger
W. E. Richards
Will. Richards
William richards
William richards
G. Richards digger
Charles richardson
Charles richardson digger
M. Richardson
M. Richardson
Samuel richardson
Thos. Richardson
Thos. Richardson
William richardson
G. F. Richardsson
Abel rickaby
Hugh riddel
J. Ridgway butcher
James rieley
Benjm. I. Or j. Rieshton
James rieth
Jno. Or jas. Or flo. Riley -
Fred a. Riley
Geo. Riley storekeeper
George riley digger
Hiram riley
J. G. Riley digger
John riley digger
Thomas riley
George w. Ring
Isaac g. Ring
John ring
Joseph ring
William ring
John ring or king
James riordan
James riordan
John riordon
John riordon
Live ritch
Donald m. Ritchie
Robert ritchie
Tho ritchie
William ritchie
J. D. Riter
ritter & lobeck
Henry riu
Andrew riures
William john rivers digger
Paul roach
Rob ross & co
- robard
Chas. Robarts
William a. Robarts
C. H. D. Robbs
James robe---
John robe---
William robenson
William roberson
D. Robert
John robert
John robertbell
E. Roberts
J. Or t. Roberts
M. Roberts
Charles roberts
Edward roberts
Henry roberts
J. C. Roberts
James roberts storekeeper
Jno. Roberts -
John roberts
John roberts
John roberts
John roberts
John h. Roberts
Robert roberts
Samuel roberts
Thomas roberts
Thomas roberts
William roberts
William roberts
William roberts
William roberts
Wm. Roberts
Wm. Roberts
D. Robertson
D. Robertson
David robertson digger
George robertson
J. Robertson
James robertson
James robertson
James w. Robertson
John robertson
John robertson
John robertson
John robertson
John robertson mates digger
Robert robey
Robert robey
William robinsion
D. W. Robinson
J. Robinson
S. Robinson
A. Robinson gold digger peg leg gully
Frank robinson
Geo. Robinson
J. C. Robinson
J. C. Robinson
James robinson
James c. Robinson
John robinson digger
M. S. Or l. Robinson
W. Robinson
[[Georee Robson]]
John robson
Thomas robson
August rocen
John roche
Samuel roche
John rochester
John rodda gold digger
John rodgers
John rodgers
John rodgers or rodger
Wm. B. Roebuck
Ralf roers digger
[[Henry Roff]]
[[John Roff]]
Henry roff or ross
A. Rogers
Alexander rogers
J. Rogers
James rogers
Jas. Rogers
R. Rogers
Robert john rogers
W. Rogers
Wm. C. Rogers
A. Rogers
Thomas roid
James role
R. Roley
James rolfe
John rolfe
John rolfe
[[V. Romeo]]
Andrew ron or kon gold digger
Le raymond ronbequex
John g. Rooke
Frederick rool (by his marksman)
Frederick rool by his marksman
Michael rooney
Michael rooney
Tos roscow
Peter roscrow digger
William rose
Wm. Rose
James rose or vose or grose a.
Robert ross boot & shoe melbourne
Wm. Ross miner
David ross
M. Or w. Ross
Richard ross
Robert ross
Simon ross
Simon ross
Thomas ross
William ross digger
William senior ross
Wm. Junior ross
C. S. Ross digger
A. Ross or rogers
George rossiter
W. Roster or riooter or rioster digger
Henry rosuorr
Robt. Rothergill
Robert rothwell robson
Richard a. Rothwill
Raymond roubequex
David roughin
David roughin
Het s. Rouse
Edward routledge digger
Sanford b. Routledge
Thomas rowbottom
Thomas rowbottom
Robert rowbuck
Robert rowbuck
Frances rowe
G. Rowe
George rowe
Thos. Rowe
William rowe
Henry rowe
Frances rowe or reece
William rowell
Jos. Jas rower
George rowland
James rowland digger
William rowland
William rowland
Robert rowlands
Henry rowlin
Thomas rowling
James roy baker
Joseph roycroft digger
Charles roylands digger
W. Royser
Fred rudd digger
Peter ruffley
J. Rugby
William rumble
William rundle
James runnegar
James runnegar
Jno c. Rusel digger
John rusell
David rush
G. H. Russel
Wm. Russel
Charles j. W. Russell
George russell
George basil russell
James russell
James russell
James russell
Davey russell
John russell---
David russle
David russle or russell
Thos. W. Rutherford digger
Thos. W. Rutherford
Joseph rutter
Joseph rutter
Bernard ryan
Henry ryan
James ryan
John ryan
John ryan
M. H. Ryan licensed digger
Patk. Ryan
Patrick ryan
Robt. Ryan
William ryan licensed digger
Chas. Ryan storekeeper
Henry ryan
Henry ryan or ryans
Edward ryder
Edward ryder
[[1853 Petition Signatures - N]]
John sab
J. Or t. Sabley or sibley
W. E. Safse or sasse peg leg digger
John sage
John sage or page
J. Or i. D. Sagemuller
Charles james sainington
John sais
John sais
Andrew salberg or salbery
Edward salmon
Edward salmon
- sampson
W. Sampson
M. Samuel storekeeper
Jonas samuels digger
Sam samut or samuel
James sander
Edwin sanderson
Edwin sanderson
W. Sandorff
Richard sandors
John l. Sannford
John sansom
W. Sargeant
B. Sargent
- sarkes
John sauegison gold miner
Fred. Saunders
George saunders
Samuel saunders
Samuel saunders digger
George saunders
Richard saunders gold digger
William sauser gold digger
James savage
John savage
Francis savage or lavsder
Frank e. Sawyer
Frank e. Sawyer
Thomas sayle
Thomas sayner or fayner
Henry martyn scammell
W. H. Scears
C. H. Schlatter
C. B. E. Schmidt
Gold digger schmidt c. B. E. Jn.
Gold digger schmitz
Christian schneed
John schultz
Christian schulze
Friedrich schulze
C. W. Md. Schulzen
C. W. M.d. schulzen
Char. Schulzen
Wm. C. Scierker
James scorder
Charles scorer
Donald scott
Donald scott
James scott
John scott
John scott
John scott
Walter scott
William scott
John scullein
John seagrove
Samuel seales or scales nil
Chas. Searle digger
C. H. Seblatler
Frederick sedgwick digger
H. Sedley
H. T. Seers
Oscar segerberg gold miner
Peter sekbatter
Wm. Selff
J. Selway
Da. Semmens
[[John semmens]]
[[John H. Semmens]], Digger
[[Richard Semmens]]
[[Stephen Semmens]]. digger
[[Thomas Semmens]]
James S. Sequeira
John serpell
George serullon
[[Frederick Sewell]]
T. J. E. M.d. seydel
George seymore
Robert seymour
James shadbolt
Joseph shadbolt
John shahan
[[Michael Shanahan]]
John shane
William shannad
John shannan
John shannock
D. Sharp
Gold miner sharp. Edwd. O.
Greivece shaw
Alexander shaw
Charles shaw
Francies shaw
Cornelius shea
Cornelius shea digger
John shea
John shea digger
Thomas shea
Thomas shea
George sheaner
M. & a. Shears
John sheath
Wm. Shedd
John sheedy
John this is a different signature from above sheedy
John sheehan gold digger
George sheepway
George sheepway
Richard shelton
Robert shenatch
G. Shephard no occ. Given
James shepherd
James shepherd
John shepherd
John shepherd
Thomas shepherd
Hendon shepiard
Richd. Wm. Sheppard
Sheridan sheridan
Sheridan sheridan
Charles sherres
John sherwood
John sherwood
John sherwood
Edward shieds digger
W. H. Shiles
John shimink or shinnock gold digger myers flat
John shimpin digger
George shipton
Charles shleiger
Wright shonelto
John shopshire
John shopshire
Thomas short
John shorter
John shorter
George shotten
Wright shovelton
John shrees
John shrees
Storekeeper shum & co.
Daniel shurmur
William shy
John sibolding
John sibolding
Charles siddall
W. H. Siears
G. Siestes
G. H. Sightman
Paul silier
William silvesta
J. Sim & son
James(esquire) sim
James esq. Sim
Joseph simmons digger
Robt. Simmons digger
Simon s. Simmons nil
Thomas simmons
William simms
L. Simon
L. Simon
Or allison simon
Thomas simon -
John simondile
Andrew simpise
James simpn
B. Simpson
George simpson
James simpson
James simpson
Jno. Alfd. Simpson storekeeper
N.  -  p. Simpson
N. P. Simpson
P. Simpson
Samuel simpson
Thos. Simpson
W. Simpson
Lein simpson
G. W. Sims
George sims gold digger
Thomas sims
Thomas sims
A. Sinclair
A. Sinclair
Angus sinclair
D. Sinclair
George sinclair
Lawrence sinclair
George sinclar
William sitches or titches
F. Sitsare
George skeaner
William skelhavan
George skelton
Richard skelton
Henry skewis
James skewis
James skewis
William skilton
J. Skimer
William sky
Mich slack
T. Slater
T. Slater
Thomas sleep
Thomas sleep
Robert slienahl
John j. Sloan digger
W. W. Slocombe
J. Slocombe -
William slone
Wm. Slonie
W. Slough digger
Fred. L. Small
George small
John smart
John smart
John smart
Joseph smart
Rd. Smart
Thomas smart
William smart
William smart
Wm. Smart
Peter smedley
Jeo. Smeeton
- smig or smith
Laurence smit gold digger
F. F. Smith
O. J. Smith
T. Or j. H. Smith
Walkin smith thomas
Alexd. Smith gold digger
Andrew smith
B. Smith
Charles smith
Charles smith
Charles smith
Chas j. Smith
D. Smith butcher
Daniel smith
David smith
E. Smith
E. Smith digger
F. Smith
G. Smith
G. Smith
G. Smith
Geo. Smith
George smith
George smith
George smith
George smith
George smith
Henry smith
Henry smith
Henry smith
Henry joseph smith
Hugh smith
Hugh m.d. smith
J. E. Smith
J. R smith
J. R. Smith
James smith
James smith
James smith
James smith
James smith
James smith
James smith
James smith gold digger
James C.C. Smith
Jas. Smith
Jas. Smith
John smith
John smith
John smith
John smith
John smith
John smith
John smith
John smith
John smith
John smith digger
John james smith
Joseph smith
Joseph smith
Joseph smith d.d or g. Digger
Major. Wm smith
Patk. Smith
Peter smith
R. Smith
Richard smith (by his marksman)
Richard smith digger
Robert smith
Samuel smith
Samuel smith
Thomas smith
Thomas smith
Thomas smith
Thomas smith
Thomas smith
Thomas smith
Thomas smith digger
Thos. S. Smith digger
W. R. Smith
W. S. Smith
Walter smith
Will smith
William smith
William smith
William smith
William smith
William smith
William smith digger
William j. Smith
William r. Smith
Wm. C. Smith
Wm. C. Smith
Wm. T. Smith storekeeper
S. Smith
Jas. Smith
Charles smithson
Charles smolt
P. Smyth
P. Smyth
Richard smyth
Seth smyth digger
Henry smythe digger
James snatt do
Wm. Snell gold digger peg leg gully
Gohlajo sniyder
F. G. Snooks
Levi snow
W. S. Snowdons gold digger
Thomas somers -
Marshall somes
Arthur sonnerville
Thomas south or southor
Edwin southcombe
Richard m.d. southern
John (senior) southiard
John jr.(junior) southiard
Adolphus souzean
William spargo
L. T. Sparrow
James speal
Richd. Spear digger
John speer
John spellings
Magnus spence
James spence
Magnus spence
William reid spence
H. Spencer
James spencer
James spencer
James spencer
Wm. Spencer digger
Wm. Spicer
George spink
George spink
James spinks
John spirvey
J. W. Spivey
G. Splatt
John spragg
- spring
Robert sprole
Robert sprole
Mathew spur
Mathew spur
Henry spurner gold digger
James sruiry no occ. Given
S. A. St. John
Edward l. Stack or stark digger
Huy stacker
Th stacker
John stafford
Henry stagg
Robert stains
Herbert stanley
William stanley
Henry stannard
James stanton
John starbridge
Jhon (sic) stead
Edw. L. Sted
Edward stedman
Fredk. J. B. Steele
Fredk d. B. Steele
Richd. Steele -
Wm. Steele
Wm. Steele
Henry steinkoff
B. Stephen
Albert stephens
Anthony stephens
John s. Stephens
Richard stephens
Richard stephens
Sampson dy stephens
Stephen stephens
William stephens
William stephens
William stephens
William stephens
William stephens digger
S. - stephens
Robert stergeon digger
James sterle no occ. Given
James sterling no occ. Given
Benj. S. Stevens
David stevens
Edward stevens
James stevens
James stevens gold digger
John stevens
John stevens
Joseph stevens
Thomas stevens
Tomas stevens gold digger
Wm. Stevens
James stevenson
John stevenson
John stevenson gold digger
Peter stevenson
Peter stevenson
Thomas stevenson digger
Wm. Stevenson
I. B. Steward
Alexander stewart
Charles stewart
Francis stewart
George stewart
George stewart
James stewart
John stewart
John f. Or h. Stewart
Malcolm stewart
Phillip stewart
W. C. Stewart
J. H. Stewart
James stewart
William stewart
Robert stingter
J. Stokes
Stanley stokes
Stanley stokes
Stanley stokes
B. Stone
Jacob stone
James stone gold digger
Robt. Stone
Robt. Stone
Escort strange
William straton
James strong
James strong
Alexander stuart
C. B. Stuart
Henry burton stubbs digger
John s. Stubbs digger
Jas. I. Stubbs
Moss or ross sturguen
Ross sturguen
James styles
H. Subritzky
H. Subritzky
T. L. Subritzky
T. L. Subritzky
M. Sullivan
John sullivan
John sullivan storekeeper
Matthew sullivan
Robert summers
C. M. Sutcliffe digger
Wm. Sutcliffe
B. F. Sutherland
B. F sutherland
Charles t. Sutherland
George sutherland
James sutherland
Wm. Sutherland
Henry sutton
John sutton
John sutton
William sutton
Alfred swan
George swan
Joseph swansear gold digger
Benjamin swanson
John sweeney
James sweeny
James sweeny
James Swenson
Phineas a. Swift
Wilham swinden
William swinden
Thomas swords
Thomas swords
Allan swy----
Allan swym no occ. Given
Edward sydem---
H. Symmons
Nicholas symonds
Francis symons
John symons
John symons
John symons
John symons
Joseph symons
Richard symons
Alfred symons or symonds
Patrick symth
John symth
E. Szumrak
[[1853 Petition Signatures - O]]
William tabb
H. G. Taft
H. G. Taft
Henry tagget
William taggures
Wm. Tagzarts
James tainsh
Fredk. Talbot
John talbot
Seth talbott digger
Soaes tange
James tank
Henry tanner
Henry tanner
Richard tanner
W. Tarant
Frances tatteria
James tatteria
Francis tattersall
James tattersall
Thomas taubman
George tay
J tayler
- taylor
Charles taylor
H. Taylor
James taylor
James taylor
John taylor
John taylor digger
Rich. Taylor
Robert taylor
Robert taylor
Robert taylor digger
Samuel taylor
Thos. Taylor digger
W. Taylor
W. Alfred taylor
W. T. Taylor
James taylor
James taylor
Don or dom. M. Taylor or tayln
S. Teagle
B. G. Teasdale
B. G. Teasdale
George teasdale
George teasdale
G. Tedeeland digger
Thomas teeder
A. Teer or feez
N. Tempevley
William temple
William temple gold digger
Henry templemann
N. Tenepevley
William ternuset
Charles terny
John terrell
John terrell
Thomas terrell
Thomas terrell
Thomas terrill
Thomas terrill
Charles tevny
Charles thacker
G. Tharley
G. Tharley
T. Thembourn or kembourn
William thenson or thurson
William theyton
William theyton or thexton
Richard thimbleby
A. Thom
George thom---
Thos. H. Thomas
- thomas
G. Thomas
N. T. Thomas
S. Thomas
Barry thomas
Charles thomas
Chas thomas
David thomas -
Edwin thomas
Henry thomas
John thomas
John thomas
John thomas
John thomas
John thomas
John thomas
John thomas digger
Malcolm thomas
Rd harvey thomas
Robert thomas
Thomas thomas
William thomas
William thomas digger
William c. Thomas
Wm. Thomas
Wm. H. Thomas
Wm. H. Thomas
John thomas
Thomas & kay
J. Thommis
William thomps
Delegate mr. Thompson
A. Thompson
E. Thompson
E. Thompson
Edwd thompson
George thompson digger
Henry thompson digger
Henry s. Thompson digger
James thompson
James thompson
John thompson
John thompson
John thompson
John thompson
John thompson
Joseph thompson
Richard thompson
Thomas thompson digger
W. Thompson
William thompson
William thompson
William thompson
William thompson
William thompson
William thompson
William thompson
William thompson
William thompson digger
William different signature from the previous one thompson
Wm. Thompson
Wm. Thompson gold digger
William thompson
George thompson
James thompson
Patk. B. Thoms
Patk. B. Thoms
John thoms blacksmith
Michl. Thomsen
Alexr. Thomson
David thomson
Geo. Edwd. Thomson
Geo. Edwd. Thomson
Geo. Edwd. Thomson
James thomson digger
Josep thomson
M. Thomson
William thomson
John thomson
James thopson
Thomas thoriaan
Edward thorman
Nanken thornhill newspaper agent
Geor. Thornton
George thorpe
Richard thorpe digger
W. A. Thorpe
Thos thosbody
William thoy---
Thomas thyrm
Thomas thyts
Wm. Tibbald
Charles tibbs
John tibes or isbes
J. & son tien
Thomas tiffany
W. B. Tilling
Richard timing
Fredk. Tingle or pingle
- h. Tinkler
Wm. Tippy
Alfred tivey
Joseph tivey
Joseph tivey
William tlalirson
Larance toben
C. Tobin
Michael tobin
Michael tobin
Henry todd
Matthew todd digger
Thomas todd
Emil tohl
Benjm toiyne gold digger
Wm. Toll
Henrny (sic) tomlinson
- tomlinson
Joseph tomlinson
Jesse tompkins
James tompson
Wm. J. Tonan
Joseph tonilinon
Francis tonseng digger
- toogood digger
Revd. D. T. Toohey
Peter toomey
Peter toomey
Edward topliss
Samuel torbey
Andrew tormahill
Jas torpey
William torryman
Robert torventy
Robert torventy
William tounson
William tovey
James towell
James towers
Robert town
John townsen or townsend
John townsend
John toy
Wm. Trace
Wm. Trace
Stephen tracey
Stephen tracey
Chas tracy
George w. Tracy
James tracy
John tracy
Thomas tracy
Thomas tracy
A. Tragerays
George train
George train
Wren or wreie transtovik
Richard tranturn
Carl. Wm trapmann
E. Trapmann
Henry traunce or trounce
Thomas treble
Joseph tree
George treesm---
William treganic digger
John tregeagu
Joseph trelbie
Edwin tremethick
Samuel trengove
John trenowth
John trenowth
Joseph jns trescut
John trevail
Thomas trevan
Henry trevaskis
Henry trevaskis
Richard trevenn
Henry trevillion
Henry trevillion
Frederick trewis
Thomas tripet
Thomas triplet
Thoms. Triplet
William triplet
William triplet
Gottfried trobitsch
John troffer
John troffer or trosser
Jack trofta
E. Tronchet
Acheson trotter
James trotter
John trough
Thomas troughton
Henry trounce
George truscott
Thomas try
Alfred tucker
Benjn. Tucker
George tucker
Richard n. Tucker
Richard n. Tucker
Richard n. Tucker
William tuckfield
Edward tuey
Martin tully
Michael tully digger
Patt. Tully
Michl. Tuohy digger
Wm. Tupper
Wm. H. Tupper
Thomas turfford
Andrew turnbull
Henry turnbull gold digger
Charles turner
Elijah turner
H. R. Turner
It. R. Turner
James turner
John turner
John turner
John turner
Robert turner digger
Saml. Turner
Thomas turner
Thos. Turner
William turner digger
George turner
Horace walpole turner
Jas. Turner
John turner no occ. Given
Eliel turton
Edward tury
M. Tuslover
John tweed digger
Peter tweed
Peter tweed
Samuel tweedale
John twentyman
John tyler no occ. Given
Thos. Tyley or taylor
James tyreit
Thos tyrie
[[1853 Petition Signatures - P]]
Thomas underwood
Unknown markett
Unknown digger
Unknown digger
Unknown digger
Alexander. Unknown storekeeper
John unknown gold buyer
R. W. Updke
William uphill
Harris uphun digger
John upton
John upton
Robert urwin digger
John usher
John jnr usher
[[1853 Petition Signatures - Q]]
Thos. --ashall digger
Henry -ainhard
Charles -einz
Damas -orlier
7 or 8 chinese names
[[1853 Petition Signatures - R]]
John valkevean or walkerman
Henry vallis
Valentine vallis
Arthur vally
Bn. Vally
C. Vally
David van pelt
John vance
Or mandeville vandeville
Ed vanhorn
Albert varley
H. S. Varney digger
John vaughan
James vaux
Thomas vaux
William vaux
William vazey simons gold miner
John smith verrall
James veyney
Wm. Vince digger
James p. Vincent
John vine or pine
Thomas vine or pine
John vinecoumbe
V. S. Vivian
Hry. Vivian
Charles voight
Fred voight
C. Vorburn
Dalgette de voste digger
[[1853 Petition Signatures - S]]
John w-lins or whinis
Thomas c. Waddell
Henery wade
Henery wade
W. M. Wade
John waey
Stephen waghorn
Charles wainright
John waite by his marksman
Robert waite
Wm. Wake
Robert wakefield
Wm. B. Wakley or wickley digger
- walker
H. Walker
D. Walker
Danl. Walker
David walker
John walker
John walker
John walker
John walker
Robert walker
John walker
H. Walkinghorn
Patrick wall
James egan wall or mall or nall
James wallace
Thomas wallace
William wallace
Willias wallace
Willios wallaer
John a. Wallage
K. Walle
George walleth
Richard wallis
Francis walls
W. T. Walls
H. D. Walpole
Ja. Walsh
Jm walsh
Marm walsh
Edmond walsh
George walsh (by his marksman)
George walsh by his marksman
John walsh
Michael walsh
Patrick walsh
Peter walsh
Peter walsh
Thomas walsh digger
George walsh
- walter -
J. F. Walter digger
Jno. Walter
John walter digger
Saml. Walter
Saml. Walter
Wm. W. Walter
C. T. Walters digger
A. S. Walton
R. S. Walton
Will stanley wanen
C. G. Wannill
C. H. Ward
C. H. Ward
Charles ward digger
Geo. Ward
John ward
John ward
John ward
John ward
Robt. Ward
Robt. Ward
F. Ward or white
Thomas warden
John ware
John ware
John warhurst shoemaker
John warhurst shoe maker
T. Or j. Warn
J. W. Warren
John l. Warren
Richard warren
Thos. Matthews warren
J. Water
Joseph waterman
William waters
H. B. Waterson
Charles watkins
David watkins
Wm. H. Watkins
Saml watson
David watson
James watson
John watson
Joseph watson
Robert watson
William watson
Wm. Watson
Robert watson
Robert watson digger
John watson or hatson digger
C. Watt & co.
Wm. S. Watt
C. Wattele
John wattie
W. Wattle or nattle
Fredk. Watts
Henry s. Watts
Jas. Watts
W. T. Watts no occ.
Wm. Watts
Wm. Watts
William waurby
Edward way
James way
James way
James webb digger
Jn. R. Webb
John webb
John webb
L. Webb digger
George webb digger
Wm. Webb digger
George webber
Jas. Webber
William webber
George webber or webster
William webden
John webester
David webster
Francis b. Webster digger
George webster
George webster digger
James webster miner
M. B. Webster
Thomas webster
William webster
William webster
F. H. Wedgwood digger
C. C. Wedrac or wedrae
J. G. Weekes
Thomas weekes
Thomas weekes
E. Welchman
E. Welchman
William welford
Henry wellis
Aseal wells gold digger
Henry wells
James wells
Nicholas wells
Francis wells or walls
James welsh
Charles west
Edmond west
Edwin west
James west
John weston
John westrop brick maker
Robert westrop brick maker
John wetherell
Thos. Weynall or wignall
Patrick whalen
John whatly digger
David whea---
James wheatby
James wheatby
William wheatby
William wheatby
Aaron wheeler peg leg
John wheeler
T. Whelan
Thomas whensmouth
Juner whiry
Sen. Whiry
G. V. Whitbread
The. White
Abraham white
Benjamin white
Charles white
Henry white
Henry white
Henry white
James white
James white
James white
James white
James white
James white gold miner
John white
John white
Martin white
Robart white
Robt. White
Robt. White
Thomas white
William white
William white digger
James whitee
Robert whitehead
Robert whitehead
Edward whitehood
Wm. Whitehorn licensed digger
W. T. Whitehouse digger
John whiteman
Jas whitfield digger
W. Whitford -
- whithead digger
John whiting digger
Joseph junior whiting blacksmith
Joseph senior whiting digger
Ri. Whiting
Ri. Whiting
Thomas whitsaides
Daniel faber whittaker
Philip whittaker
F. Whittenberg
William whittington
James whyllia
Thos wignall
Henry wilde
Henry wilde
J. H. Wiles
J. H. Wiles
Henry wiley
Henry wiley
Jn. H. Wilgus
Edmund wilken
Richard wilkinson
David wilkinson
Henry wilkinson
Henry wilkinson
Henry wilkinson
Henry wilkinson
Henry wilkinson
Henry wilkinson -
Rob. Wilkinson
Thomas wilkinson
Thos. Wilkinson
W. B. Wilkinson
W. B. Wilkinson
George wilks digger
William willcock
Henry willcocks digger
Richd. Willcocks
Edward willett
Edward willett
Williams (sic) william
I. Or j. Williams
Alexr. Williams
J. Williams baker
Jos. Williams
T. Williams
Thomm williams
Alfred williams
Edw. Williams
Edward williams
F. Williams
Foster williams
Francis williams -
George williams
George williams
George williams gold digger
George b.peg leg williams digger
Gorge williams
Gorge williams gold miner
H. J. Williams
H. J. Williams
Henry williams
Henry williams
Henry williams
Henry williams digger
Isaac s. Williams
James williams
James williams
James williams
James williams
James williams
James williams licensed digger
James b. Williams
Jas williams
John williams
John williams
John williams
John williams
John williams
John williams
John williams
John williams
John williams
Ramsey williams d. D.
Richard williams
Richd. Williams
Saml. Williams gold digger
Thomas williams
Thomas williams
Thomas williams
Thos. Williams
W. Williams
W. Williams licensed digger
W. S. Williams
W. C. Williams
W. D. Williams
William Williams
William s. Or t. Williams
William a. Williams digger
Wm. Williams
James williams
Richard williams
Seth williams
- williamson digger
Henry williamson
A. Williamson
A. Williamson
Arch williamson
George williamson
Sarah williamson
S.f. williamson
Williamson & co.
N. H. Willigas storekeeper
James willimas or williams
Walter willis digger
Willmam -
Mw. Willock
Mw willock
Geo. Willoughby
Henry willoughby digger
Henery willson
Robt. Willson
Thomas bardley wilmot
George wilsdon
H. B. Wilson
Andre wilson
Andrew wilson
Charles wilson
Enock wilson digger
Geo. Wilson
George wilson storekeeper
George wilson digger
George wilson storekeeper
George fredk. Wilson digger
Isaac wilson
James wilson
James wilson
James wilson
James wilson
James wilson
James wilson
James wilson
James wilson
James wilson
James wilson
James wilson
James wilson
James wilson storekeeper
Jno. Wilson
John wilson
John wilson
John wilson digger
Robert wilson digger
Robt. Wilson
Saml. J. Wilson digger
Samuel wilson
Tho wilson
Tho. Wilson
Thomas wilson
Thomas wilson
Thos. Wilson
William wilson
James wilson
Henry wimmel
Thomas windus
- wines
William winspers
William winspers
J. H. Winstone
John winter
James wintle carrier
Morris wiseberg
John wiseman
Robert wiseman
Samuel withecombe digger
John wither
George witheram
Charles witherby
Danl. Witlewis digger
August wobul
C. S. Wolff
M. B. Wolland smith
Wm. Wonson
Wm. Wonson
Charles wood
George wood
George r. Wood digger
Henery wood
J. Wood
John wood
John wood
John wood
John wood
Joseph wood
Richard wood
Thos. Loftus wood
Wm. Wood
Joseph woodcroft
Thomas woodfine
J. S. Woodhouse
J. S. Woodhouse
John woodhouse
James woodlock
William woodr---
Rufus woodruff
Henry woods
Henry woods
James woods no occ. Given
John woods
John woodward
John woofe
Loftus wooll
W. Or m. B. Woolland
W. B. Woolland blacksmith
James woolock---
Arthur woolon
- wright
Alex wright
Henery (sic) wright digger
Henry wright
Henry wright
James wright
James wright
James wright
John wright
John wright
John wright
John wright digger
William wright
Wm. Wright digger
Robert or john c. C. Wright
Alan wright
James wuthers
John by his marksman wyatt digger
John wybrands
Charles wyne or wynd digger
Geo. Wythe
Edward yandel or yanden
Edward yandell
Benjamin yanes storekeeper
Thomas yarrall
Frederick yates gold miner
G. Yates
W. Yates
W. Yates
Wm. Yellen
Martin van york storekeeper
H. Yorke
Wm younes
Frank young
G. Young
James young digger
James william young
John young
John young
John saml. Young
Robert young
Thos. Young
Thos. E. Young
- young
John young
Robert young
Thomas Yuile
William yule
[[1853 Petition Signatures - T]]
Anbroney Zanone
Wm. Zanpheir
Wm. Zanpsiur
Cepar Zeigler digger
H. Zimmerman
[[1853 Petition Signatures - U]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - V]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - W]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - Y]]
[[1853 Petition Signatures - Z]]
Line 8,303: Line 5,381:
SEGERBERG Oscar Gold Miner
SEGERBERG Oscar Gold Miner
[[John Semmens]] TEMPLATE
SEMMENS John H. Digger
SEMMENS John H. Digger
Line 9,638: Line 6,716:
==See also==
==See also==
[[Anti-Gold Licence Association]]
[[Anti-Gold License Association]]
[[Bendigo Anti-license Committee]]
[[Red Ribbon Rebellion]]
[[Red Ribbon Rebellion]]
==Further Reading==
==Further Reading==
Dorothy Wickham, Forgotten Rebels: The Cornish & the Bendigo Goldfields Petition IN ''Agan Kernow: Stories of Our Cornwall'', Ken Peake, CAV, 2022, pp. 214-220.
Dorothy Wickham, ''Bendigo Goldfields Petition'', BHS Publishing, 2021. (ePublication)
Dorothy Wickham, ''Bendigo Goldfields Petition'', BHS Publishing, 11 November 2020.
Dorothy Wickham, Revolutionaries, Radicals & Victorian Goldfields, in ''Pay Dirt: Ballarat & Other Gold Towns'', BHSPublishing, 2019, pp. 164-171.
Dorothy Wickham & Clare Gervasoni, Globalisation through Digital Experience Eurekapedia Wiki, in ''Pay Dirt: Ballarat & Other Gold Towns'', BHSPublishing, 2019, pp. 195-202.
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==External links==
==External links==

Latest revision as of 10:17, 9 May 2024

Cover of Wickham's book on Goldfields Agitations
Red Ribbon Movement Monument in Rosalind Park, Bendigo [detail], 2013. Ballarat Heritage Services Picture Collection
Bendigo Goldfields Petition, August 1853. State Library of Victoria (MS 12440)
Signatures from PegLeg (Bendigo) on the 1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition
Bendigo Goldfields Petition, August 1853. State Library of Victoria (MS 12440)
Bendigo Goldfields Petition, August 1853, p.3. State Library of Victoria (MS 12440)


Once thought to be lost, the Bendigo Goldfields Petition was discovered by chance lying in a pile of papers on a rubbish tip. Some 13 metres in length and bound in green silk, it is an important document for Victoria.[1]

The petition was signed by around 5000 diggers on the Victorian goldfields in mid-1853. At the time, the signatures represented about one in 12 diggers.[2]

In June 1853 an anti-gold licence association was formed at Bendigo to give voice to the diggers' many grievances about their conditions. The diggers were angry about the mining licence fees imposed by the government and the system by which they were collected.[3]

The petition was signed by miners across the state’s major goldfields and was brought to Melbourne and presented to Lieutenant-Governor Charles La Trobe on 1 August 1853. Most of its demands were rejected, including the reduction in the licence fee. Eventually the diggers' dissatisfaction erupted, culminating in the Eureka Stockade battle on the Eureka Lead at Ballarat on 3 December 1854.[4]

Reportedly, two women signed the petition - Florence Foley and Sarah Williamson.

The petition was brought to Melbourne and presented to Lieutenant-Governor Charles La Trobe on 01 August 1853. Most of its demands, including the reduction in the licence fee, were rejected. The diggers continued non-violent protest.[5]

Dr John Chapman, a Melbourne collector, purchased the petition from its discoverer and presented it to the State Library of Victoria in 1988. Its discovery is particularly valuable for historians and genealogists investigating the history of social and political events during the gold rushes in Victoria.[6]

The Wording of the Petition

The words used in the Petition make it clear that the diggers, storekeepers and others on the goldfields are loyal and law abiding citizens. It appears abundantly clear that the problem lies with the high licences and the manner in which they are issued and collected on the goldfields. This is an eloquently written document containing a plea for equality and justice.

To His Excellency Charles Joseph LaTrobe
Esquire Lieutenant Governor of the Colony of Victoria etc
The Humble Petition of the Undersigned Gold Diggers and other residents on the GoldFields of the Colony
That these Petitioners are the Loyal and Devoted Subjects of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, the Sovereign Ruler of This Colony and of
That in the present impoverished condition of the Gold Fields the impost of Thirty Shillings a Month is more than Your Petitioners can pay as the fruit of their labor at the Mines scarcely affords to a large proportion of the Gold Miners the common necessaries of life.
That a consequence of the few Officials appointed to issue Licenses the Diggers Storekeepers and other residents lose much time at each Monthly issue on procuring these licenses.
That the laborious occupation of Gold digging and the privation attendant on a residence in the Gold fields entail much sickness and its consequent expenses from so doing.
That newly arrived Diggers must lose much time and money before they become acquainted with the process of Gold Mining.
That in consequence of Armed Men (many of whom are notoriously bad in characteriser) being employed to inform the impost of Thirty Shillings a Month there is much ill feeling engendered amongst the Diggers against the Government.
That in consequence of the non-possession by some of the Miners of a Gold Digger License some of the Commissioners appointed to administer the Law on the Gold Fields have on various occasions Chained non-possessors to Trees and Condemned them to hard labor on the Public Roads of the Colony - A proceeding Your Petitioners maintain to be contrary to the spirit of the British Law which does not recognize the principle of the Subject being a Criminal because he is indebted to the State.
That the impost of Thirty Shillings a Month is unjust because the successful and unsuccessful Digger are assessed in the same ratio.
For these reasons and others which could be enumerated Your Petitioners pray Your Excellency to Grant the following Petition
First. To direct that the Licence Fee be reduced to Ten Shillings a Month
Secondly. To direct that Monthly or Quarterly Licenses be issued at the option of the Applicants
Thirdly. To direct that new arrivals or invalids be allowed on registering their names at the Commissioners Office fifteen clear days residence on the Gold Fields before the License be enforced
Fourthly. To afford greater facility to Diggers and others resident on the Gold Fields who wish to engage in Agricultural Pursuits for investing their earnings in small allotments of land
Fifthly. To direct that the Penalty of Five Pounds for non-possession of License be reduced to One Pound
Sixthly. To direct that (as the Diggers and other residents on the Gold Fields of the Colony have uniformly developed a love of law and order) the sending of an Armed Force to enforce the License Tax be discontinued.
Your Petitioners would respectfully submit to Your Excellency's consideration in favour of the reduction of the License Fee that many Diggers and other residents on the Gold-fields who are debarred from taking a License under the present System would if the Tax were reduced to Ten Shillings a Month cheerfully comply with the Law so that the License Fund instead of being diminished would be increased.
Your Petitioners would also remind your Excellency that a Petition is the only mode by which they can submit their wants to your Excellency's consideration as although they contribute more to the Exchequer that half the Revenue of the Colony they are the largest class of Her Majesty's Subjects in the Colony unrepresented.
And your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray etc.

Testament from Bendigo Pioneers

John Paton was at the Monster Meeting. His name does not appear on the list of signatures, but there is another name Andrew Patton, perhaps a brother or relative.

Mr. John Paton, a retired Post-office official, gave evidence of such an interesting character that it might be better to repeat his own words. “I was one of the earliest gold diggers in the colony. I worked on Anderson’s Creek before the Ballarat diggings, and I was mining to the end of 1858. In October, 1851, I was at work on Forest Creek. I may mention, in 1849 I went up with Mr. Fenton with his first flock of sheep to Bendigo. I can satisfy you about the name of Bendigo; in 1849 I inquired from some of the old inhabitants about it, and they said it was known as Bendigo. In 1849 I travelled over the run, and when they came in October, 1851, I was on Forest Creek. A day or two afterwards I was in conversation with Murphy, and Mr. Byass came over and informed us that they had found gold on the Bendigo Creek. After this lapse of time I cannot be positive as to dates, but I am positive I was working there, Forest Creek, in October, 1S51, and this was either the end of October or the beginning of November.

When I got to Bendigo, I think I saw Stewart Gibson there and some of the station hands. I remember seeing Mrs. Kennedy, and I have not seen her since that time till now. I knew the shepherd and hut-keeper; the shepherd’s name was James Graham, and old hand from Tasmania, an old man who took charge of the flock in the winter of 1849. He was in the employment of Mr. Fenton up to the time of finding the gold, and he was a short Scotchman. The hut-keeper was a Chris. Asquith. I knew the children; two of the daughters were married; one of Asquith’s daughters married a man named Slocombe; he was a wheelwright; he married one of the daughters of the hut keeper. I have not seen Slocombe for over 30 years — I have been in the public service over 30 years. I got into conversation, and camped there that night. The spot where they were working was in the bed of the creek. There was a bar running across the creek. The position was the site of the present Golden-square. There was no room for me; there were several working about, and there was no more room to put in a claim. I worked on my claim on the left bank of the creek. I washed a bit of dirt on the opposite side. I borrowed a spade and got gold in the grass, and marked out a claim. I believe it was the first claim marked out — the first payable claim. My mates came over the second day, and after them came a number of other miners who followed them. I believe, in consequence of Byass’ information, that caused the first rush after our bullock dray from Barker’s and Forest Creek.

I may mention, to show the payable nature of my claim, that there was a married couple came on the field; they had a horse and dray; they stated they had left the station and were hard up. I felt sorry for the woman, and said to my mates, ‘Suppose we give them something,’ and we gave them a load of earth from the surface, and they washed it, and I know they got out of that 16 oz. of gold, amongst which was a 6 oz. nugget in the shape of a crescent; that was in November. We took out that claim, afterwards, 30 lbs. weight of gold from the reef; we got it from the grass and down to the reef — it was a continuation of the reef, not more than about a foot deep. We took up the first cradle that was worked on Bendigo Creek.

I was present at the great meeting — I was there when the Commissioner put up his first camp, and also there when the black trooper found the gold in Golden Gully. I remember distinctly going up in November, and we went down with our bullock dray, and arrived in Melbourne on Thursday, the 18th of December, 1851. We were on the road nearly a week; and we sold the gold to Mr. Benjamin, the father of the present Sir Benjamin Benjamin. We first took it to Heap and Grice, in Flinders-lane; they offered £2 15s. an ounce for it; we declined, and we got £2 16s. an ounce from Mr. Benjamin. Asquith the hut-keeper, and Graham the shepherd, claimed to have found the gold. As to the name, my own impression was that it was a corruption of ‘bandicoot;’ but the old hands said it was called after some old pugilist.”[7]

Probably Signed in or around Ballarat

Jesse Eldridge - John Eldridge - Moses Eldridge - Thomas Clegg - Alfred Lester - William Yuille

Probably Signed in or around Bendigo

Joseph Abbott - George Aspinall - Robert Benson - James Black (1) - Annesly Boyde - Michael Breen - Edward Browne - George Gaull -George Graham - Denis Fitzgerald - John Andrew Herdegen - W.E. Hill - Henry Holyoake - William Jameson - D.G. Jones - Frederick Ladbury - Decimus Lamb - Richard John Mack - John Maddern - Daniel Merington - Angel Meyers - James Moran - James Plunkett - John Pratt - Thomas Pritchard - Timothy Quinn - A. Robinson - John Shinnock - William Snell - Thomas Tyley - Thomas Underdown - James Egan Wall

Probably Signed in or Around Castlemaine

Edward Adams - George Braybook - Emil Pohl, Victoria Hotel - Charles Thacker - Nanken Thornhill - John R. Webb

Signed in Eaglehawk Gully (Bendigo)

W.E. Hill - Michael Breen - John Mathieson

Signed in Myer's Flat (Bendigo)

Denis Fitzgerald - John Shinnock - Denis Fitzgerald - James Plunkett

Probably Signed in or associated with The Ovens

David Ducat - John Owens

Signed in Peg Leg (Bendigo)

Edward Beach - John Brown - E. Butler - James Calder - Ben Cole - W. Sansome Fisher - John Gruph - Fredrick Hamilton - John Humphreys - David Lang - Alexander Lawson - Richard Loglen - John Martin - Thomas Renwick - A. Robinson - William B. Roebuck - W.E. Sasse - William Snell - Aaron Wheeler - George B. Williams - W.C. Williams

Signed in Sailor's Gully (Bendigo)

Annesly Boyde - George Gachon - George Graham - James Horan - James Moran - John Pratt -

Signed View Point (Bendigo)

John Edhouse

Alphabetical Listings

1853 Petition Signatures - A

1853 Petition Signatures - B

1853 Petition Signatures - C

1853 Petition Signatures - D

1853 Petition Signatures - E

1853 Petition Signatures - F

1853 Petition Signatures - G

1853 Petition Signatures - H

1853 Petition Signatures - I

1853 Petition Signatures - J

1853 Petition Signatures - K

1853 Petition Signatures - L

1853 Petition Signatures - M

1853 Petition Signatures - N

1853 Petition Signatures - O

1853 Petition Signatures - P

1853 Petition Signatures - Q

1853 Petition Signatures - R

1853 Petition Signatures - S

1853 Petition Signatures - T

1853 Petition Signatures - U

1853 Petition Signatures - V

1853 Petition Signatures - W

1853 Petition Signatures - Y

1853 Petition Signatures - Z

See also

Anti-Gold License Association


Bendigo Anti-license Committee

Red Ribbon Rebellion

Further Reading

Dorothy Wickham, Forgotten Rebels: The Cornish & the Bendigo Goldfields Petition IN Agan Kernow: Stories of Our Cornwall, Ken Peake, CAV, 2022, pp. 214-220.

Dorothy Wickham, Bendigo Goldfields Petition, BHS Publishing, 2021. (ePublication)


Dorothy Wickham, Bendigo Goldfields Petition, BHS Publishing, 11 November 2020.

Dorothy Wickham, Revolutionaries, Radicals & Victorian Goldfields, in Pay Dirt: Ballarat & Other Gold Towns, BHSPublishing, 2019, pp. 164-171.

Dorothy Wickham & Clare Gervasoni, Globalisation through Digital Experience Eurekapedia Wiki, in Pay Dirt: Ballarat & Other Gold Towns, BHSPublishing, 2019, pp. 195-202.


  1. 1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition. State Library of Victoria, Item No. MS 12440; http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.
  2. 1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition. State Library of Victoria, Item No. MS 12440; http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.
  3. 1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition. State Library of Victoria, Item No. MS 12440; http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.
  4. 1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition. State Library of Victoria, Item No. MS 12440; http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.
  5. https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/awa/20040511050243/http://www.statelibrary.vic.gov.au/slv/exhibitions/goldfields/petition/p_hist.htm, accessed 07 February 2023.
  6. 1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition. State Library of Victoria, Item No. MS 12440; http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/our-collections/treasures-curios/bendigo-goldfields-petition, accessed 06 December 2013.
  7. The Bendigo Advertiser, 28 October 1893, transcribed by Dorothy Wickham, May 2024.

External links
