Distinguished historians have written essays illuminating different aspects of the events leading up to and surrounding the rise of the original Ballarat Reform League and the events of Eureka and its impact on contemporary Australia.
A Eureka Myth Exposed by Dorothy Wickham (1996)
Agitation Hill: Where is it? by George Milford (2021)
Australian Democracy was Born at Eureka by Russell T. White, MLA (1950)
Blood, Sweat and Tears: Women at Eureka by Dr Dorothy Wickham (2004)
Chartism in 19th Century Britain by Isobel Dowling, Former lecturer in Sociology and Politics at University of Ballarat
Chewton Essay by John Ellis, Chewton Domain Society
Contesting the Flag, the Mixed Messages of the Eureka Flag by Anne Beggs Sunter
Eureka: A Multicultural Event by Clare Gervasoni and Dorothy Wickham
Eureka Rediscovered: Twenty Years On by Jack Harvey (November 2013)
Eureka - The Buninyong Connection by Anne Beggs Sunter, Buninyong and District Historical Society
Globalisation through digital Experience by Dorothy Wickham & Clare Gervasoni, Pay Dirt: Ballarat and Other Gold Towns, BHS Publishing, 2019.
How the Leaders Escaped (Argus 1899)
Killed in Action: Eureka by Dorothy Wickham (1996)
Locating the Eureka Stockade: use of a geographical information system (GIS) in a historiographical research context by Jack Harvey (c1994)
The Eureka Flag: Our Starry Banner by Dr Dorothy Wickham (2016)
The Eureka Stockade by One of the Insurgents
The Eureka Stockade: Gateway to Democracy by Weston Bate
The Role of Foreigners at Eureka by Clare Gervasoni
Where did the Bakery Hill monster meetings take place? by Jack Harvey (2018)
Anniversary Essays
Eureka 50th anniversary Prize Winning Essay, by J.B. Castieau, Melbourne
Recollections of the Ballarat Insurrection by Montague Miller
Monster Meeting Project
Jan Wositzky's introduction to the Monster Meeting project
Meeting Interview 1 Robyn Annear -
Monster Meeting Interview 2 Doug Ralph -
Monster Meeting Interview 3 Geoff Hocking -
Monster Meeting Interview 4 Dr Marjorie Theobald -
Monster Meeting Interview 5 Professor Weston Bate OAM -
Monster Meeting Interview 6 David Bannear -