Prisoners and Trials

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Burning of Bentley's Hotel

After the burning of James Bentley's Eureka Hotel Andrew McIntyre, Fletcher and Westerby were arrested and sent to trial. Another seven were arrested These were John Balderston, Flatow, Butler, Hurd Balderstone, McIntosh, Stewart and Vanderbyle.[1]

Treason Trial Prisoners

Release of Treason Trial Prisoners, Melbourne, 1855,

Although over one hundred men were arrested, the cases against all but thirteen were dismissed due to lack of evidence.

Those who stood trial for High Treason were:

James Beattie who was about to be executed at the stockade by trooper Rivell when Sergeant Riley heard his calls for mercy and took him prisoner; [2]
James Campbell a black man from Kingston, Jamaica; [3]
Raffaello Carboni, an Italian who had been involved in the 1848 revolutions in Europe and an anarchist sympathiser who wrote one of the most important books about the Eureka rebellion in 1855, The Eureka Stockade: The Consequences Of Some Pirates Wanting On Quarter-Deck A Rebellion; [4]
Thomas Dignum, born in Sydney [5]
Timothy Hayes, Chairman of the Ballarat Reform League; [6]
John Joseph, a black American who is credited with firing the shot that eventually killed Captain Henry Wise, [7]
John Manning, a Ballarat Times journalist originally from Ireland, [8]
William Molloy
John Phelan, a friend and business partner of the elected leader of the Eureka rebellion Peter Lalor who came out from Ireland as a young man;[9]
Henry Reid a stockader who stood his ground and fired repeatedly at the military advance on the stockade;[10]
Jacob Sorenson, a Jew; [11]
Michael Tuohy a survivor of the Irish potato famine who immigrated to Melbourne at the age of 19 in 1849; [12]
Jan Vennik from Holland, [13]


At the State Treason Trials Sub-Inspector of Police, Charles Carter, responded to questions from the Attorney General in relation to the site of the Eureka Stockade:

'Was it on the brow of the hill? Yes.
Did it enclose the brow of the hill? Yes.
And the ground fell from it? On the side we attacked it did.'[14]

Commissioner Gilbert Amos of the Eureka Camp answered the Attorney General's questions thus:

'How was the ground placed; was it on the summit of a hill, in a valley, or how? It was rather in a hollow; it sloped slightly down into a hollow.'[15]

Frank Penhalluriack

Witnesses deposing against James Beattie, John Joseph, Raffaello Carboni and Jan Vennik were: Henry Goodenough, Thomas Atkins, Patrick Riley, William Revell, Samuel Furnell, John King, James Gorr, Patrick Lynott, Daniel Haggarty, Andrew Peters, John Badcock, John Donnelly, Thomas Milne, Patrick O'Keefe, George Fraser

Witnesses deposing against Timothy Hayes were: Henry Goodenough, Andrew Peters, Hugh King, William Thompson, Thomas Langley, Thomas Bailey Richards, Thomas Carruthers, William Fleming, James Ronayn.

Witnesses deposing against Charles Jefferies Carter,John Manning, Thomas Joseph McKeown, and John Cahill were: Henry Goodenough, Patrick O’Keefe, Charles Jeffries Carter, Patrick Synott, Daniel Haggarty, Andrew Peters, William John Sullivan, Michael Costello.

Witnesses deposing against Charles Brown, Thomas Barry, Michael Tuohy, Henry Read and James Campbell were: George King, John King, Samuel Slackwell Furnell, John Dogherty, Michael Lawler, Joseph Penrose, John White, John Penaluna, Eugene Bellairs, James Wearne, James Richardson Gaunt, Peter Ellis, John Sullivan, James Clerk, Joseph Raynor, Henry Bedwell, William Richardson.

William Revell was deposed as a witness for the case of Thomas Dignum which was later dropped by the Attorney General.

Witnesses deposing against William Molloy, Jacob Sorenson and Patrick Howard were: Edward Viret, George King, Thomas Bradley, and Henry Foster.

Witnesses deposing against John Phelan were: Ladislaus Kossak , Samuel Slackwell Furnell, John Culkin.

Compensation Claims

Scobie Inquest

See Also

Eureka Timeline

Treason Trials

Goldfields Commission of Enquiry

External Links


  1. Email correspondence from B. Gow to Ballarat Heritage Services, 21 December 2003.
  2., sighted 07 May 2013.
  3., sighted 07 May 2013.
  4., sighted 07 May 2013.
  5., sighted 07 May 2013.
  6., sighted 07 May 2013;
  7., sighted 07 May 2013.
  8., sighted 07 May 2013;
  9., sighted 07 May 2013.
  10., sighted 07 May 2013.
  11., sighted 07 May 2013.
  12., sighted 07 May 2013.
  13., sighted 07 May 2013.
  14. Harvey, Jack, Eureka Rediscovered, University of Ballarat, 1994.
  15. Harvey, Jack, Eureka Rediscovered, University of Ballarat, 1994.