The HMS Vulcan was captained by Brunton Von Donop. A steamship of 579 tons it arrived in Port Jackson on 10 November 1852. It contained 9 guns and had come from Melbourne with 100 rank and file of the 40th Regiment. The certificate of the Health Officer stated that at Melbourne 'there is not any case of contagious disease on board the ship'. There were however three cases of rheumatism and two cases of catarrh. [1]
The Argus reported that 'The troop ship Vulcan has been placed in Quarantine by Dr Hunt, there being a case of smallpox on board. [2]
Captain Donup had a letter from the Surgeon of the 40th Regiment and one from the Health Officer at Port Phillip when the vessel arrived in Port Jackson, stating in positive terms that from the progress of the case which was at first reported to him been small Pox; and which caused the ship to be put in Quarantine in Port Phillip; they do not believe that it was a case of small pox buit that it was a case of pus?? syphilitic eruption on arriving at this conclusion they released the ship from Quarantine. Signed Haynes Gibbs Alleyne.[3]