Maps & Plans
Pre 1854
Ham's Squatting Map
Maps of Victorian Goldfields
The False Map 1854
Discovery of gold and the heavy influx of immigrants and goods to Victoria brought intense rivalry between Melbourne on Port Phillip Bay and Geelong on Corio Bay, about which centre could attract the most people and trade. Melbourne interests published a misleading map, called 'The False Map', which elongated Port Phillip northwards, to place Melbourne much closer to the gold fields and the Murray River than Geelong.[1]
Letter: A Rebuttal to the False Map 1 July 1854
On the issue of the False Map, the Geelong wool broking and mercantile company,Strachan and company, issued a printed letter attacking the map, and containing a true statement of relative distances of Geelong and Melbourne to the gold fields and the Murray River. [2]
The True Map
Strachan and company of Geelong produced a true map in answer to the false map, to accompany their printed letter of rebuttal.[3]
Maps of Ballarat Goldfields and the Site of the Eureka Stockade Battle

Post 1854
Ballarat District, 1857
District Surveyor J. H. Taylor Towards flat of Main Road from Ballarat to the Eureka with allotments facing road the sale of which he recommends - points out necessity of keeping Melbourne and Ballarat road three chains wide. Ballaarat April 28th 1857
Sir/ I have the honor to inform you that I have this day transmitted to you through Post a plan of the Melbourne and Ballaarat Main Road, from Ballaarat to the Eureka, with allotments facing the Road by ?? Assistant Surveyor Webster. Although the land may be described as auriferous, I would beg to recommend three allotments for sale, there having been many applications respecting the sale, and it would tend to better the population of this neighbourhood. I do not consider that the sale of more allotments would in any way interfere with the mining interests, it at present being confined to the leads as shown upon the drawings, and from the smallness of the depths given to each allotment. Plots I and H I would not recommend for sale at present, as within the last few days the miners have commenced to ?? but whether with a view of finding a fresh lead or to stop the sale of the land I am at present unable to determine. In the course of a month I should be able to give you more definite information respecting ??? blocks if required to do so. Mr Lester of the Free Trade Hotel applied to have this land surveyed and put up to auction, with a view of purchasing and making a Botanical Garden, at the time no objection was seen, the land in the neighbourhood having been prospected and tried repeatedly for upwards of four years, at the time of survey it was deserted an in my opinion the land will not pay the miner for working. It is necessary to keep the Malborne and Ballaarat Road three chains in width being the chief communication between Melbourne and the most important inland township. This road was originally marked by Mr. Watson three chains in width. Provided your ? deem it requisite to keep this road three chains in width at Bakery Hill side and at the proposed Market Reserve a dotted red line on plan will show the proposed alteration. The population of Ballarat being ??? I would beg to recommend for your consideration the advisability of making allotments in all ? of communication from Ballaarat to Melbourne and Colony with a view of settling the people believing it will eventually be for the benefit of the district under my charge. I have the honor to be Sir ? most ? servant John HamletTaylor Acting Surveyor