William Attwater

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Attwater was the son of William and Elizabeth H Attwater. He migrated to Australia and settled initially at Ballarat. From there, he moved to Grafton, NSW, and married Matilda Tipper in 1860. They had six children: William Charles, born in 1861 at Grafton (married Hannah Anderson in 1883 at Grafton; died in 1937); Henry H, born in 1863 at Sydney (married Ellen K Hay in 1886 at Goodooga); Charles Edward, born in 1865 at Grafton (married Edith A Elworthy in 1900 at Grafton; died in 1940 at Brewarrina); Emily A, born in 1867 at Grafton (married Henry E Williams in 1890 at Grafton); Walter C, born in 1869 at Grafton (died in 1890); and Albert E, born in 1871 at Grafton (married Agnes C Penny in 1895 at Grafton; died in 1933 at Grafton).

Goldfields Involvement, 1854

It is claimed that Attwater was inside the Eureka Stockade at the time of the battle. He was a miner who was also known as Bendigo Bill and Captain Green. [1]

He was a miner at Ballarat in 1854. He claimed to have been inside the stockade during the storming of the Eureka Stockade. He was said to have fostered and encouraged the spirit of resistance among the diggers. Men were hunted down by the authorities and gaoled if they did not have a miner’s right. It was reported that one night Attwater freed all the captives at ‘the logs’ and the next morning all police found were shattered handcuffs.[2]

Post 1854 Experiences

Attwater died in New South Wales in December 1887.[3]

Death of Mrs Attwater

Death of Mrs. Attwater. Scoees of old friends scattered all over tho North Coast will havo learned with genuine regret tho de mise of Mrs. Attwater, relict of tho lato Mr. W. Attwater, of Grafton. Tho deceased ladv had been a resi dent of tho old town since tho early 60's, but of lato years had beon liv ing with hor son-in-law at Chats wood, Sydney. Sho was 80 years of age at her death. During hor resi dence in Grafton Mrs. Attwator's kindly personality and unostenta tious help in bonevolent matters did much to endear her to a very wide circle of friends. Both she and her lato husband wero, in the early days, genuine friends to scores in need of a helping hand. Mrs. Attwater was a native of Boulogne (France), and her brother (Rov. A. Munton) is still alive — a retired Anglican clergyman living at Oxford, England. A sister (Mrs. Downie), aged 87, resides at Grafton.

See also

Further Reading

Corfield, J.,Wickham, D., & Gervasoni, C. The Eureka Encyclopaedia, Ballarat Heritage Services, 2004.


  1. Wickham, D., Gervasoni, C. & Phillipson, W., Eureka Research Directory, Ballarat Heritage Services, 1999.
  2. Grafton newspaper, December 1887
  3. Wickham, D., Gervasoni, C. & Phillipson, W., Eureka Research Directory, Ballarat Heritage Services, 1999.

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