Martin Loughlin

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Author Austin McCallum, former librarian Ballarat City Library, Camp Street, Ballarat.[1]

Martin Loughlin (1833-1894), mining magnate, speculator and sportsman, was born on 3 November 1833 at Castlewarren, near Kilkenny, Ireland, son of Martin Loughlin, farmer, and his wife Margaret. While still a boy he sailed for America; the ship was wrecked on Newfoundland but all hands were saved. In New York he worked briefly as a baker and then returned home. In 1855 Loughlin and his cousin, Patrick Brennan, migrated to Geelong and soon joined the gold rush to Pleasant Creek. Learning of new developments in deep-lead mining on the Ballarat field both men transferred their hopes to the co-operatives and companies which were forming to exploit the golden gutters of alluvial under the basalt plateau. Loughlin had remarkable good fortune. With Brennan he joined the Golden Gate Co-operative Co. as a working shareholder and by October 1856 also had shares in the Alston and Weardale Co. By March 1857 he was a working shareholder in the Kohinoor claim on the Golden Point lead which paid dividends of £304,460 after winning 147,570 ozs of gold; in the Melbourne share list of 3 June 1863 forty shares were quoted at £2800 each.

Loughlin rapidly extended his investments in company mines then discovering huge quantities of gold. His physical labour ended he moved into Craig's Hotel and divided his time drinking with other speculators and crossing the pavement to the 'Corner' where all local share transactions took place.

Between October 1874 and September 1876 Loughlin was one of the four members of a syndicate that owned the Egerton mine. They were much publicized defendants in court proceedings where the previous owners, Learmonth brothers of Ercildoun, alleged conspiracy and fraud in connexion with its purchase by Loughlin for £13,500. On 19 September 1873, the day he took possession, the mine yielded rich gold. The profits after the syndicate took it over were £320,000. Final judgment was in favour of the defendants and although the Learmonths obtained leave to appeal to the Privy Council they accepted Loughlin's proposal that each side should pay its own costs and end the litigation.

The discovery of rich alluvial deposits near Creswick inspired Loughlin and others to exploit these buried rivers of gold. Almost the entire area was private property and the independent working miners could not afford to pay the royalty tax. Loughlin with seven other capitalists bought 6000 acres (2400 ha) at £6 an acre from Alexander Wilson, brother of Sir Samuel, who had bought Ercildoun from the Learmonths. In May 1881 the Seven Hills Estate Co. was registered in 10,000 shares of £20 but few of its original shares changed hands. Mining companies were soon formed to tap the gold. Loughlin took a hand in floating six of the richest mines in the district. They produced nearly 900,000 ozs of gold, paid £269,925 royalties and distributed £1,776,945 as dividends on an aggregate capital of £143,375. When the mines were exhausted the land was sold for £50,000.

Loughlin lost heavily in the financial crisis of the early 1890s 'more than £100,000', according to the Ballarat Star, 27 September 1894. Apart from mining he had a large interest in the Melbourne Tramway Co. and owned hotels and much land, including pastoral holdings in Queensland. He was a keen sportsman with a large racing stable: two of his horses, Sheet Anchor and Oakleigh, won for him the Melbourne and Caulfield cups double. A spectacular punter who wagered thousands on his string, he gave horses which had cost him £5000 to his friends when he gave up racing.

Unlike most of his business associates he shunned public life, although in 1891 he stood for Nelson Province in the Legislative Council and polled well. In August 1890 he donated three paintings by noted English artists, then valued at £4000, to the Ballarat Art Gallery. He was not a notable philanthropist but was generous to the Roman Catholic Church and its schools, and to the major Ballarat institutions.

After a lingering illness he died, unmarried, at Craig's Hotel on 22 September 1894 of cerebral paralysis. His estate was valued at £250,000. His brother Michael, a farmer of Kilkenny, and Michael's sons, Michael and Thomas, were the beneficiaries.

Goldfields Involvement, 1854

Post 1854 Experiences

Ballarat Courier 3rd November 1884 Page 4


SIR, - In a few more days the stonework of the memorial will be placed in position, and, so far as the funds at the disposal of the committee admit, the work will be considered finished, and awaiting the opening ceremony on Wednesday, 3rd proximo. It is to be regretted that may old Ballarat identities, who are acquainted with all the circumstances relating to the Stockade, have not thought fit to assist the present attempt to make the site, whilst others, who have been very liberal in their promises of support, have failed to the redeem the same with current coin. It was the earnest wish of the committee to have the memorial crowned, with a massive monolith, but their means were inadequate, and they had almost become resigned to the hard necessity of the case, when Mr Martin Loughlin came forward, and generously gave a cheque for £50, a gift for which every member of committee, and myself individually, tender our hearty and grateful thanks. It is possible that some other citizen may desire, in a lesser degree, to emulate Mr Loughlin’s generosity; if so, let the gift be prompt, so that the work may not suffer by delay. – Yours, &c., A.T. MORRISON, Hon Treasurer. 31st October[2]

Ballarat Courier 4th November 1884 Page 4


SIR – I am very proud to see that our worthy fellow citizen, Mr Martin Loughlin, has been so liberal in subscribing £50 towards the erection of the Eureka monument. It only wants a few more of his stamp to come forward to make the object a success. I was surprised to see by Mr Morrison’s letter in to-day’s issue that so many had promised and not performed, for this grand object. What, Sir, is a man but his word; his honor depends upon it. I say again, that the 3rd of next month should be a red-letter day, in Ballarat, at least; as freedom was fought for, and obtained, by some of the Old Identities who are in Ballarat at the present time. After a lapse of thirty years, I say “more power to them”. The same blood courses through their veins now as then, and the 3rd December, 1854, will never be forgotten, by them, at least – no, Sir – not as long as they are above ground. And being a historical event also, it should be an eventful day, not easily to be forgotten by the rising generation at least. – Yours, &c., W. B. PERRY Grant Street[3]

Ballarat Courier 26th November 1884 Page 4


SIR,- I am very sorry to hear that hte funds are still inadequate for the completion of the Eureka monument. I think still, Sir, if the committee were to fall in with my views respecting the aborigines being brought to Ballarat, it would have a tendency to augment their funds materially. They could be al brought to Ballarat in twenty-four hours from any part of Victoria through the police and railway departments, the Government permitting, of course. They should be here to take part in the procession along with the old identities to the monument, seeing that they are so closely allied with them. The chance will never occur again in the history of this colony. They shoul dbe taken to the Eastern Oval in the evening, and let them have one grand corroboree for the edification of the rising generation. Further, Sir, if the fire brigades would lend their torches for the occasion it would have a better effect within the circle of the lights. Let a small fee be charged for admittance. I think then it would be a success. – Yours, &c., W. B. PERRY. Grant street.[4]

Ballarat Courier 29th November 1884. Page 2

The committee of the Eureka Stockade memorial met last evening; Mr Ferguson in the chair. Accounts amounting to £51 8s were passed for payment, and the tender of Rowsell and Son, for additional stone-work, was accepted. In consequence of unavoible causes it was found impossible to get the work completed by the 3rd proximo, the anniversary of the Stockade. It was decided that at three o’clock on the afternoon of that day the committee should pay a formal visit of inspection. The presence of any of the old identities will be welcome.[5]

See also

Commemoration 1884

Eureka 30, 1884

Further Reading

Corfield, J.,Wickham, D., & Gervasoni, C. The Eureka Encyclopaedia, Ballarat Heritage Services, 2004.


  1. Austin McCallum, 'Loughlin, Martin (1833–1894)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, published first in hardcopy 1974, accessed online 1 July 2023. This article was published in hardcopy in Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 5, (Melbourne University Press), 1974.
  2. Ballarat Courier 3 Nov 1884, p. 4, transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe
  3. Ballarat Courier 4 Nov 1884, p. 4, transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe
  4. Ballarat Courier 26 Nov 1884, p. 4, transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe
  5. Ballarat Courier 29 Nov 1884, p. 2, transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe

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