Patrick Curtin

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Walter E. Pidgeon, Illustration from The Eureka Stockade by Raffaello Carboni, Sunnybrook Press, 1942, offset print.
Art Gallery of Ballarat, purchased 1994.


Goldfields Involvement, 1854

Patrick Curtain signed a letter to the Colonial Secretary written on behalf of Ballarat Catholics complaining at the treatment of Fr Patrick Smyth's servant, Johannes Gregorius.[1]

Post 1854 Experiences


Monument to the Eureka Victims.— A meeting of the friends and members of the committee for the purposo of raising funds to erect the monument so gene rously presented by Mr Legget, was held in the Eureka Hotel last evening. Patrick Curtain was called to the chair, find briefly stated the purpose of the meeting. Mr Donovan said that Mr Leggat had kindly offered to place at the disposal of the committee a very handsome monument, on condition of their paying tho expense of carriage from Geelong, and of erecting it at the grave yard. Mr Fahey moved, and Mr Harrington seconded, " That the secretary be instructed to write to Mr Leggat, and thank him for his Hnadson offer of a monu ment to the victims of the Eureka massacre; and, in acccpting it, to express to him the high sense entertained by the committee of his liberal and patriotic gift.' Car ried. It was resolved, " That a public meeting for the purpose of erecting a monument to the Eureka victims be held on Saturday next, at four o'clock, on the site of the Eureka Stockade.' ' That a public meeting be held at Frenchman's Lead, near the All Nations Hotel, for the same purpose, on Saturday next, at four o'clock. ' That subscription lists be printed, for the purpose of collecting money to defray the necessary expenses con nected with the objects of the foregoing resolutions." 'That Mr James Oddie be appointed treasurer of the committee. " And " That Messrs Sam Irwin, J.P., T. D. Wanliss, and W. D. C. Denovan, bo appointed a sub-committee to draw up a suitable inscription for the monument, and also to communicate on the subject with Peter Lalor, Esq., M.L.C." After a vote of thanks to the Chairman, the meeting separated. — Star.[2]

See also

Johannes Gregorius

Thomas Wanliss

Further Reading

Corfield, J., Wickham, D., & Gervasoni, C. The Eureka Encyclopaedia, Ballarat Heritage Services, 2004.


  1. Corfield, J., Wickham, D., & Gervasoni, C. The Eureka Encyclopaedia, Ballarat Heritage Services, 2004.
  2. The Age, 02 February 1856.

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