William Ennis

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William Ennis was born in County Down, Ireland. He arrived in Victoria in 1853.[1]

Goldfields Involvement, 1854

Ennis was a participant in the Eureka Stockade.[2]

Post 1854 Experiences


OBITUARY. A very old resident of the Wimmera, Mr. William Ennis, died at his late residence, O'Callaghan's Parade, on Wednesday at the age of 84 years. Deceased, who was a native of County Down, arrived in Victoria in 1853, and came to Ballarat, where he engaged most successfully in mining. Mr Ennis was one of the participants in the thrilling Eureka Stockade riots, and he often used to refer very interestingly to the episodes that came under his notice during that time. From the Ballarat district Mr. and Mrs. Ennis came to the Wimmera and took up land at Wonwondah. Thence they came to live in Horsham, and have resided here since. Before leaving his native country deceased was a sea captain and owned a vessel, and was also part owner of two others. He has been blind for about 22 years the result of an accident which he met with whilst engaged in erecting a brush fence. His late son (Mr. T. Ennis) died 10 months ago exactly on the same day that the father breathed his last, Mrs. Enois. who survives her husband, and is in a feeble state of health, had the misfortune on Wednesday to fall in the house and severely injure her thigh. She is being carefully attended and nursed by her sister (Mrs. E. Cahill, of Footscray.) The funeral of the late Mr. Ennis will take place this afternoon, and the remains are to be interred in the Horsham Cemetery.[3]

See also

Further Reading

Corfield, J.,Wickham, D., & Gervasoni, C. The Eureka Encyclopaedia, Ballarat Heritage Services, 2004.


  1. Horsham Times, 22 July 1904.
  2. Horsham Times, 22 July 1904.
  3. Horsham Times, 22 July 1904.

External links

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Caption, Reference.