The clipper-brig Secret, Mr HILARY MARQUAND master, destined for Melbourne with passengers and a general cargo, is now ready for sea and awaiting a fair wind to take her departure. This snug, comfortable craft has been built expressly for the Australian trade. Her accommodations, considering the size of the vessel, are excellent. The owners have spared nothing that can contribute to the comfort and convenience of the passengers; and from the knowledge we have of her intelligent and affable commander, we feel assured that he will do everything within the compass of his power to promote the well-being of those under his care. The chief-officer, Mr OGILVIE, is an experienced mariner, who, we know, will not be backward in co-operating with his master towards rendering a long sea-voyage as little tedious as possible.
We append a list of the passengers: Helier Mahy, Julien Hardy, Abraham Le Page, Henry Ogier, Abraham Domaille, James Falla, John Le Gallez, Mrs. White and daughter, Mr. Etchells and sister, Mr Brewer, Miss Corbet, John P Ogier, Miss Le Page and brother, Mrs Le Patourel and son. The crew consists of the master, two mates, eight men and a boy.
Passengers on the Secret
Julien Hardy was amongst other families of French descent on the Secret. Henry O’Gier for example, was born on the Channel Islands. Henry O’Gier b.20.5.1836 St. Sampson, Guernsey, son of John Peter O’Gier and Judith Renouf travelled to Australia with his father on the ship Secret. They departed Guernsey 2 February 1854 and arrived in Melbourne on 2 May 1854.
- ↑ The Comet, Monday January 30 1854;