Empress Eugene
The Vessel
The Empress Eugenie brought out the second division of the first Battalion of H.M. 12th Regiment. She anchored in Hobson's Bay at 4pm on 3 November 1854. "The troops were very healthy and the vessel [presented] an appearance of cleanliness and order unequalled by any troop ship that has entered Hobson's Bay, and [reflected] the greatest credit on the Commanding Officer and Dr. Rogers (half line here obliterated by a fold in the original).
Pre Eureka
- Letter from William T. F. A. Wallace, Assistant Military Secretary re the Empress Eugene and disembarkment of passengers.
- Military Secretary’s Office.
- Melbourne. 4th November 1854.
- Sir,
- I have the honor by direction of the Major General Commanding to report for the information of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, that a Detachment of the 1st Battn 12th Foot strength as per margin, under the Command of Captain Atkinson arrived in Hobsons Bay yesterday afternoon, per ship Empress Eugenie, and will disembark on Monday next and proceed to the Barracks in Melbourne occupied by the Head Quarters of that Regiment.
- I have the honor to be
- Sir
- your most obedient
- humble servant
- William T. F. A. Wallace
- Asst Military Secretary
- 2 Captains
- 5 Subalterns
- 1 Staff Officer
- 10 Serjeants
- 1 Drummer
- 166 Rank & File
- 25 Women
- 35 Children
- The Honorable
- The Colonial Secretary
- Melbourne [1]
Passengers to the Victorian Goldfields
The passengers on the Empress Eugenie included, Lieut. Henry Wise, Admiralty Agent, Captain Atkinson, Commanding Officer, Capt Thomas Vereker, Acting Paymaster, Lieut. John Reynolds Palmer, M.D. Saunders, Assistant-Surgeon Rogers, William Paul, H.L. Williams, C. M. Harward, Mrs J. R. Palmer, and Mrs Vereker (cabin passengers), 10 Sergeants, 167 rank and file, and 34 children. These were the men and families of the 12th Regiment.
- Ballarat 30 November
- Information reached us last evening that a portion of the military force despatched from town on Monday had arrived, and that in passing through the diggings the soldiers were pelted with broken glass and other missiles by some diggers. Our informant adds that the military received this manifestation of feeling in the best possible temper, and did not attempt to irritate the mob by indulging in gestures or movements which might be interpreted to mean other than a friendly inclination to them. They were marched into Camp and had taken up quarters when our informant left. It will be remembered that yesterday was appointed for the day of the monster meeting on the Licence question."[2]
Felix Boyle, 12 Regiment
C.M. Harward, 12th Regiment
James Nowlan, 12th Regiment
John Reynolds Palmer, 12th Regiment
Mrs J. R. Palmer, 12th Regiment
William Paul, 12th Regiment
M.D. Saunders, 12th Regiment
Thomas Vereker, 12th Regiment
William Webb, 12 Regiment
Henry Wise, 12th Regiment