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Francis Bolton emigrated on the vessel Bolton, according to the newspaper reference, and was at Ballarat at the time of the Eureka Stockade.

He was in Ballarat at the time of the Eureka Stockade.

OLD COLONISTS. Mr and. Mrs Francis Rowe, of Auckland, celebrated their diamond wedding on Saturday last, having been married at the Wesleyan Church, High street (now the Deeds Office), on March 10th, 1357,' by the Rev. Joseph Fletcher. Both are natives of Cornwall, England, and Mrs Rowe (says the “Star”) is probably one of the oldest' residents of Auckland, having arrived in Wellington in the ship Bolton when little more than a baby, and shortly afterwards they went to W'aitemata. That was before Governor Hobson removed the capital of New Zealand from Bussell to Auckland. They camped in a Maori whare, on the present sits of Auckland Government House, and afterwards lived in a tent, there being no wooden houses in Auckland in those days. Mr Rowe came out first to Australia as a lad, and went to the diggings. He was at Ballarat at the time of the Eureka Stockade, and came to Auckland in 1885, and worked at the Kawau copper mines in the early days. He remembers the early militia days, when the men paraded round Auckland at night from blockhouse to blockhouse. Mr and Mrs Rowe have eight children, forty grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. Six of their grandsons are at the front.[1]
  1. New Zealand Times , 13 March 1917.